Lucifer's Lament

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Lucifer being lewd again. :3

Lucifer had returned to his palace following the incident, its marvelous golden gate and flowing fountain with Lilith holding a glistening pitcher from which water cascaded from greeting him in the front courtyard. It was a grand space...and yet, so quiet, so empty and yet filled with little creations to amuse him. He walked towards the door and texted a servant, telling them to unlock the front. A tiny imp met him with a bow.

"Good evening your majesty." He bowed, welcoming him in, a line of small imps waited as he entered the main hall, a soft sigh coming as he adjusted his coat and looked around. Everything was in order, unsurprisingly, all his little circus decor was just as he vaguely remembered it. There were pictures everywhere of him with Lilith, and for some reason...he was feeling resentment that she left. If she hadn't left he would be happy, wouldn't be so busted that he lost access to yet another sinner's heart that he didn't even need to be involved with in the first place. Anger boiled in his chest, his brow tensing as he grasped his arm firmly, trying to maintain a straight face.

"Morris, make sure everyone gives me privacy, at least until tomorrow. You can let one of my bots come in though."

Morris followed behind him as he headed up to his room, every servant was shorter than him as he liked having that sense of towering over them, but after being around the taller sinners he was missing that ability to look up, his eyes regularly meeting the floor now to converse with everyone.

He came into his workshop, closing the door behind him and going to sit at his desk, taking a look around at the ducks which were mostly dust free, mountains and mountains of them. It was a sea of yellow and red, and nothing else too exciting. He fell forward onto his desk with a loud gutteral groan, peeking up at his phone to look at Charlie's number. Eventually he gave it a call, and it went straight to voicemail. She probably blocked him for the time being...did he have anyone else's number? He scrolled through, eventually finding Vaggie whose name was still "Maggie" in his contacts. After fixing that, he proceeded to call her, thankfully it rang. Maybe there was some forgiveness he could regain.

Vaggie noticed her phone ringing as she was busy trying to clean the kitchen, throughly scrubbing the food stained countertops as she tried to ignore the mountain of dishes in the sink. She stopped and took a look, surprised to see Charlie's dad calling her.

She knew he got a little too intense, but it wasn't like she hadn't done that before. Vaggie understood the kind of pain he felt as a fallen angel on top of that, what this rejection was likely doing to him after facing such an ultimate rejection that probably took him thousands of years to come to terms with, to at least somewhat accept.

"Hello?" She spoke, raising a brow as she crossed her arms, waiting for his response.

"Hey...Vaggie. Uh...I...just wanted to check in, see how everything is going. See how Charlie is coping..."

Vaggie looked around at the utter disarray of everything, pinching her nose. This place was kinda falling apart and she was just trying to keep up, Charlie wasn't exactly management material, even if this hotel was a good idea.

"Not great honestly. She doesn't know how to cook, keep the place clean...she's got great ideas but the execution isn't there. Our activities have also been all over the place. We're kind of just trying to run on autopilot, but the guests are picking up where you and Alastor aren't. Angel doesn't have the energy most of the time with that pendejo pimp always on him for work. Charlie has had a mental breakdown...more than one."

His poor baby...and Alastor.

"Make simple meals...don't be ambitious. Pancakes, sandwiches. Get food from outside. Have Husk help with the clean up too...that should get some of the weight off her shoulders. I'm sure you're doing your best to support her."

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