A Day In the Rain

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Lucifer observed the rain for a while, ready to partake now in a full day with the demon. Hell he could even spend the night if he wanted, the nurses would never find him with his shape shifting abilities. Alastor still hesitated, but watched as the little king was lost in thought, also taking sight of the rain and letting its rythmic sound take over the ambiance.

Eventually, Lucifer turned to him, his hat still off. "So...if you're not going to drink then, let me help you in different ways."

Alastor raised a brow at him, not sure what his plans were.

"Very well. And as to your remark earlier about being older and not untainted—look at myself. For a sinner I'm up there in age, lasted countless exterminations now, and of course you know of my past. I've always been—bloodthirsty, for lack of a better word. You have no reason to belittle yourself, that should be my concern~."

Lucifer turned to him with a chuckle, rolling his eyes, creating a nail file and scissors. "You always test me. A little less than usual lately, but you test me regardless."

It was time to preen someone other than himself, he already had perfectly manicured nails that sparkled immaculately. The radio demon on the other hand...Eeesh.

He took Alastor's closest hand, examining his unkempt nails that had dried blood in the cuticles. "Where is this from?"

Probably breakfast.

"Ah, breakfast was on the raw side today, forgive me for not having your perfect little hands."

"Gonna need to have a word with this hospital about cooking their meals fully," Lucifer huffed, noting the call out about his own hands that he obsessively groomed.

"Yeah, yeah. Let me take care of this." He created a small bowl of warm water, adding soap from the adjacent table to it before slipping Alastor's hand in, he blinked with a straight face when realizing he hadn't taken if gloves off yet again, having soaked them.

Alastor gave little snort at him, laughing once more. "You are completely distractable! You've been so intensely staring at me you aren't even aware of yourself or your surroundings!"

Lucifer scowled, pinching his cheek with a wet glove, "Shut up, gosh let up on me I'm doing my best."

Alastor sighed, taking off his gloves with his dry hand, the one with the IV in place as he was careful not to wet his hands, knowing he'd never hear the end of it from Lucifer if he did.

"Better leave those to dry."

Lucifer stood and left them at the window before returning, sighing as he soaked the man's hand once more, proceeding to throughly scrub his nails, drying them as the water managed to change color before starting to work them with the file, looking at them intensely and checking his handy work when Alastor turned to look at his hand, smirking at the sight.

"I'm getting spa treatment as an apology I take it?"

"Well...yeah. It's the least I can do since I can't heal you."

"Fair enough." Alastor adjusted himself, watching the man as his nails were sanded, finding the powder and snipping sensations odd though not unpleasant, realizing he was noticing Lucifer's hands touching his more, feeling their smooth texture against his rougher skin.

"So dainty," he mused quietly to himself, taking a look at his shiny nails when the devil finished.

"So...how do they look?" Lucifer looked at Alastor expectantly.

Alastor shrugged and smiled,

"They've got a pleasant luster."

Happy to hear that, Lucifer couldn't help but give him a soft smile.

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