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Lucifer hadn't entertained the starving eyes staring his way the prior night, having left to grab some raw packaged meat that he threw to Alastor's bedside, being met with:

"This is raw. Are you trying to finish me off?" Alastor smirked eagerly as every little thing touched the King's nerves.

"You're an animal. I fucking saw what you did to those loan sharks ya'know, you don't require caviar from me!"

"Well sure I may have eaten a few folks, killed them, but that's what they get when they mess with me, or my companions, or your daughter."

Lucifer had not realized how in the demon's face he'd gotten. Once again nearly pressed against his face, feeling his fiery breath.

"Fuck you. Don't bring Charlie into your savagery, not my angel."

"You test my patience, and what an ironic thing to say." The sinner smirked, of course Lucifer was made of the same elicixir as those dead angels, and his teeth were inching closer to get a bite when the man pulled away, running to the exit and childishly scowling at him before shutting the door, leaving Alastor chuckling to himself.

"What a child."


Morning was filled with Charlie excitedly running around and making her plans, scripts and therapy ideas and morning exercises and paying respects to Sir Pentious, the first fallen patron. Lucifer followed her in an attempt to learn and support her new plans.

He had come up with something similar to this so long ago, and it was clear Heaven and their rules just weren't having it then or now. But, he felt warmth in his heart watching his daughter and all her passion, resting his hands on his red apple.

"Let's go get pancakes now dad!"

"Heh, okay. You're bringing your friends, and Maggie?"

"Well, yeah! And it's Vaggie, I keep telling you." She pouted, patting his head.

It was okay to be acknowledged as short by her, and he soon found himself aggressively squeezing the life from her as she gasped for breath.

"I-It's good to see you again too."

Gathering everyone, she eventually looked around for Alastor before remembering last night.

"Is he okay?" She whispered to the King, his eyes rolling as he recalled.

"Yeah. He's probably just resting, he took quite a hit from an angelic weapon you know." There was bluntness in his voice, and his neutral tone put Charlie at ease that he hadn't been killed.

With a flash there was darkness, and the King couldn't manage to tip his hat off, he audibly struggled as he felt an arm resting on him, using him for support.

"Good morning Charlie, I had the most delightful beauty sleep~." The radio demon gave his most toothy, overexaggerated grin as Lucifer realized why he was being covered up, furiously growling and trying to pull his arm off as Alastor hummed nonchalantly.

Charlie chuckled nervously, it kinda bothered her that they weren't getting along, and she was never really sure what to say.

Lucifer was grumbling until he finally managed to throw Alastor's arm from his head, a massive frown on his face as he stared back at him.

"Oh! I didn't see you there.~ I was just enjoying the comfort of a standing armrest. I thought it such a clever touch."

Eventually, Charlie changed the subject.

"Sooo-anyway, we're going to brunch and we thought you'd like to join us Al. I'm happy to see you feeling better." She smiled brightly as Alastor put a hand on her back, Lucifer only feeling more cross as he grabbed her and held her hand.

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