Healing Pains

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TW: Some graphic medical descriptions. 

Lying there for what felt like hours, the deer remained painfully on his stomach, the pressure causing it to bleed through the bandages which only increased the dire nature of his condition. His red eyes shifted towards the door as he seemed to be stubbornly keeping conciousness yet feeling unable to move. Maybe—for once he needed the help, not to be on the giving end of that help. Charlie would do something he thought, hopefully not make a big scene about it.

Downstairs Angel was carrying Fat Nuggets around, showing him the updated hotel proudly.

"Ya see that? That's you!" He grinned at the oinking pig as he showed him his reflection in a mirror in the parlor before touching his face to the piggie's snout and rubbing on it lovingly.

Husk was watching him from the near bar, some nicer booze than the radio demon offered in toe, pouring himself a shot that was swiftly downed. "I gotta say his majesty stocked this place up to the tens. Better than anything I've had here in a hell of a while."

"Well, duh. Short king's got more power than the red pimp. He acts a big game but he's just your personal Valentino. Sometimes there's no bite to that bark," the spider said while pouring himself a shot glass from the same bottle Husk drank from, Fat Nuggets resting on his lap.

"At least my lil baby is safe 'ere. The carnivore hasn't come down in a while."

Charlie was contently sitting with Vaggie, her head resting on her greyish shoulder when she started to get this inkling that Alastor probably needed aid listening to the pair at the bar.

Her dad wasn't around, perhaps he was in his new room? She couldn't imagine him returning to his empty workshop, but maybe he had to come up with some plans to show her. That would be so exciting! It was already thrilling to have him here helping out more than she ever expected. She stepped out politely to call him.

The circus ringtone sent the fatigued Lucifer jolting awake. He had fallen asleep at the replica workshop in his on site bedroom, his fingertips resting on the distressing gold band on his ring finger.

"Hey Charlie, something up?" He spoke with more confidence now, having grown used to her talking to him on the phone again.

"Yeah everything's great. Angel and Husk are probably about to go move their stuff in. I know you two kinda got off on the wrong foot...but could you check on Al for me? He seemed fine but he did fight Adam the asshole, apparently there was blood. Just see if he needs healing."

Lucifer rolled his eyes in annoyance, what was so special to her about this psychopath?

I mean sure Alastor had been there to help before even he himself, but the guy was clearly unhinged with questionable motives. Not to mention he challenged the king's most sacred remaining relationship.

"That guy fucking sucks. He really does."

"Com'on dad. Please. You took care of everyone else and they're doing so well thanks to you, at least go look at him?"

"Well...okay. Just because you ask, and because I promised to support you. Reluctantly." He muttered the last bit under his breath.

"Thank you dad! Don't worry I'll make it up to you. We can finally go have that celebratory pancake brunch we didn't have the time for!"

"I'd love that. Talk to you later."

He hung up and hung his head. This was going to be awkward.

He straightened his bow tie and adjusted his top hat, for some reason whenever he was around the demon he was even trying to top him with the smallest of adjustments.

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