Crawling Confessions

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Author Note: Frank Sinatra Song, the title is in the lyrics you can't miss it. XP

Lucifer was feeling the butterflies when he spent that first week alone, obsessively preening his hooves, teeth and nails to perfection when receiving a text from Vaggie telling him Alastor had already been awake for the second day, he dropped his phone with his hands filing his hooves when he saw, falling upside down from his bed onto his head.

"Oh shit!" He winced, he would have been dead if he were mortal with that sort of head trauma but it was nothing more than a mild migraine to him.

He grabbed his phone and bit his lip, knowing to pick his words carefully.

He responded quickly in text, 'Thanks Vaggie. I'll check on the bastard today!'

Maybe that bastard part was too much?

No, no it was just enough. She couldn't know yet how he was feeling.

He got dressed up, adjusting his cane and taking his script with him that he wrote out for this occasion, trying to be ten steps ahead of everything on account of his social anxiety creeping in from being isolated so many days.

Making sure not even a hair was out of place, and sniffing himself in a few places, he gave a cheesy grin and finger banged his reflection.

"We got this! Better not screw it up or you'll be here for a looong time again after Ozzie, haha! Oh fuck...I can't end up here again, seriously."

He gulped at that, his eyes watering before he wiped them away. Hopefully everything was going to work out, but he had his justifiable doubts.

Upon leaving he grabbed a bouquet of lilies, then feeling concerned about them resembling Lilith too much he switched them out for roses, was that too cliche? Too on the nose? He mixed the roses with some yellow flowers, trying to keep a balanced arrangement of colors. With a snap of the fingers he also produced a vintage record, something he thought the demon would like.

"Is it hot in here?" He breathed, his sweaty palm squeezing the flowers, before looking to the side and exhaling.

'Just shut up and relax damnit.' He thought to himself, trying to keep it all together.

Alastor slept soundly past the dream, finding some relief after it left him physically. He was blissfully unaware of the head honcho arriving downstairs.

Lucifer came in after being dropped off in a luxurious limo with people here and there being surprised and chatting amongst one another, curious about why he was there as he smiled with shoulders tensing up before making his way to the front desk. The receptionist was nearly falling asleep until Lucifer nervously rung the bell.


The woman peeked up briefly, not thinking much until seeing a flustered Lucifer there.

"Ah! Good morning your majesty! H-How can I help you?"

"I was told the Radio demon was staying here. I needed to...have a word?"

He grinned uncomfortably, the woman sighing.

"Your daughter said not to let you meet him."

Charlie...really not helping right now!

He scoffed in annoyance, shaking his head as he thought about what to say next. A threat usually did the trick.

With horns popping out and fire coming from the corners of his lips, a toothy white grin took up most of his face as he leaned close,

"Are you gonna listen to a little princess or the king himself?"

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