Virgin's Bet

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(Heads up: Alastor's past is kinda all over the place theory wise so I decided to improvise with it.)

After having their fill of the small animals, ones Charlie happily observed in awe as Alastor made many awkward, uncomfortable attempts to pet them, of course the smile was still on his face, feeling all the more odd that they weren't on a meal plate. The last time he had been surrounded by so many animals wasn't a chipper scenario.

The last time he could recall such an event was when his mother brought home a box of kittens and a mama alley cat with such adoration in her eyes, she of course showed them to Alastor who smiled and kept his distance. He knew never to get attached to anything at this point as his dad usually ruined things...and unsurprisingly he did. Fed every single kitten to some gators in the swamps for fun, even brought Alastor along who watched at just 7 years old with agonizing discomfort, perhaps watching all that cruelty made cruelty for him much easier? He hadn't recalled that memory in so long, but now he vividly remembered the boat and the murky water, and his dad laughing and drinking and smoking and doing "everything he could" to let off steam after a long day at the factory. And his dad pushed him to pass one over, he hesitated, holding it by the scruff of the neck, before dropping it when the man's voice raised into the jaws of a starving gator. Probably the first thing he had ever been responsible for killing, and from then on it started getting easier.

Once again he had been staring into space for so long, Lucifer noticing his hand balled into a fist before poking it which left Alastor jolting back to the present.

"Huh?" His signal re-emerged, quiet buzzing emitting as he stared with an uneasy smile at Lucifer, "Alastor? You okay?"

"Yes, yes I'm swell. What do we have next Miss Morningstar?"

He turned to Charlie to try and get the subject off himself, his shadow was frowning though, it being the only being that could genuinely express anything other than a smile, Lucifer caught sight of it and rose a brow. He was definitely lying.

"Oh! Uh next we're going to work on our bonding, what it means to have a friend, since we all know having friends improves our good qualities. After that we're going to the therapy room and then the massage parlor and that will be all for today."

Hmm—His more traditional smile started creeping back in.

"Bonding you say? What does that consist of?"

"Well, no gambling, no drugs, no bondage, Angel. I figured what would be more wholesome than board games or cards, or a game? They're a fun past time that even Heaven can get behind."

Angel rolled his eyes but smiled, leaving the pigs before returning to her.

"Well let's get the game on then, are drinks allowed? No liquor for your dad though."

"I'll drink if I want Angel. But I'll have a lemonade."

The king chuckled and sighed, really not a good idea to overkill things.

They went to the game room to find pool tables, bowling, cards and and assortment of board games all bathed under Hell's reddish lighting, of course neon signs of Lucifer were decorating the walls along with neon apples and whatnot. They were cutesy and blinked on and off with red and and pink blinking, a cutesy interpretation of the King winking and holding a thumbs up pose. Alastor couldn't help but be amused by all this.

"Hell's mascot strikes yet again. Well then, anyone for a round of billiards? Haven't played in ages."

"Hell yeah I'm down." Lucifer grinned, egging on Alastor who grinned just as wide. This was his chance to take him down.

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