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MCU x Ninjago.Shield is ninjas and their allies and hydra is the villains.It isn't written good because I lost motivation again.

The Wind Soldier and his apprentice.Or more accurately Morro and his sister.They had been ordered to kill A high valued target.Simple job that they hadn't done a thousand times anyway.Harumi perked up from her spot and looked to her brother.

"So serious."She laughed.He took of his mask and met her with a smile.He would always make sure his sister had his attention when she needed it.He would never fight and match her stupidity.That was a promise that he gave their deceased parents.

"What?Doing our job I have to be."He snickered.His weapon lowered as she looked over the roof top they were perked up on.

"Whatever.He's now coming."She pointed as their target got out an armoured car.His finger tightened around the trigger And pulled but there was nothing.He did have a suppressor on it but it shouldn't be that silent.

He pulled back and looked at it.A ninja star was perfectly thrown into the barrel breaking his favourite weapon.A shadow landed behind them.It emerged from the darkness as a green gi was visible.

"Greenie.What a surprise."Morro said putting his fists up ready to fight.The green ninja held his hands up clearly not wanting to.

"You probably didn't know this and I'm not really supposed to tell you this but."He drew a breath while getting a file out.

"Your parents used to work for shield.It says here they only joined hydra is because they kidnapped you too and it was the only way they could make sure you were alright."He handed them the file.Morro handed it to her sister.She was the smarter one out of the two.She checked it and nodded.It was legit.

"If we join shield you can help us find them?"Harumi said.She had her mask on so he didn't know her identity or her her brother's.Well that's what they thought at least.

"Yes Rumi."The green ninja said.Only one person called her Rumi apart for Morro.

"Lloyd?"She asked.Lloyd removed his mask and smiled as Harumi ran to him and embraced him in a hug.She planted small kisses along his neck as that's all she could reach.

"You have a boyfriend?!"Morro yelled.The two parted from eachother and stared at the wind soldier

"Whats wrong with that?Morro"Lloyd smirked.Morro took of his mask and sighed.

"Stupid masks don't even work."He said.Lloyd chuckled slightly.

"Here you can meet the team.Wind warrior."He laughed as a quin jet landed.

"ITS WIND SOLDIER!"Morro yelled.Harumi laughed which made him and Lloyd smile.


"Hydra were going to tell me my parents and shield isn't helping!"Harumi passed around clearly upset.

"Look Rumi I know how it feels I-"

"No you don't know how it feels.Your parents are dead you have no family!"Harumi yelled.Her voice breaking from the tears she held back.Lloyd gasped.It took her a second after she had calmed down to realise what she said.

"N-No Lloyd I didn't mean it like that I-"He shrugged past her aggressively.He climbed through the window getting ready to jump before her hand grabbed his shoulder.He jumped to the other building.


"She said something that's all.Something I said to her in confidence and she used it against me."Lloyd sighed.Morro hugged him.

"I know she's annoying when she's angry but doesn't mean you should give up with your love for eachother.Give her another chance."Morro said.Lloyd nodded before an alarm went off quickly followed by an explosion.


"You have done well daughter.Infiltrating shield was genius.Now.Prove your loyalty.Kill him.Kill him now."Ronin said.Harumi had been handed a weapon as Lloyd looked at her.His heart shattered again.Morro was wrong.

"Do it!Kill me!I won't fight you anymore."Lloyd walked as far as he could but his hands were chained.Harumi held the knife at his heart.Lloyd's voice broke.

"Don't think I won't Lloyd."She pointed her knife at his heart.Her voice cracking as Her eyes flickered to his eyes then the weapon.

"You wanna be the infamous killer then kill me.The one you used to love.You've nearly killed your brother what else is there to loose!"Lloyd yelled.

"Y-You.I can't lose you."She dropped the knife and set him free before dropping to her knees.She thought he'd ran to save her brother or his friends but instead she felt a pair of arms wrap around her.

"I forgive you."He whispered as he kissed her forehead.She went into the crook of his neck ,her favourite spot, and let her tears out.He wouldn't judge her.He would love her.

"Oh the sentimentality.Its pathetic truly."Ronin laughed.

"If you want kill him.I will!"He threw a spear at his daughter.

"Rumi No!"Lloyd pushed her out the way as The spear went through him.Harumi screamed as she held Lloyd in her arms.

"I love you Lloyd.Dont leave me.You can't!"Lloyd laughed painfully.

"I love you more."He coughed before his eyes shut.Harumi kissed him before she looked at her 'father'

"There's nothing holding you back anymore."He extended his arm.She pulled out the spear and kneeled In front of him.He laughed maniacally before the spear was launched into his neck.His laughing stopped as blood squirted out.

She returned to Lloyds now cold body.She held onto him.She wouldn't let him go.She couldn't.

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