Running Through The Jungle

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"Being a princess all your life, would you ever think you would be out here?"Lloyd asked, raising a brow

"What?Hacking my way through prime evils eye?Not so much.But to be perfectly honest.I'm glad I'm with you Lloyd."Harumi smiled as she continued walking.

Lloyd was following behind Harumi as she cut through vines and leave.Lloyd was somehow still blushing at her comment before he saw a vine like creature get up as a vine stabbed Harumi's leg.Lloyd's energy ball just reached the vine as he ran to her.Harumi held her leg as Lloyd crouched down beside her.

"May I?"Lloyd asked as Harumi nodded.Lloyd pulled up the trousers that covered her leg.There was a stab wound and little lines that paralysed her.Lloyd had seen this wound before so he grabbed the sap off a tree and rubbed it in the wound.Harumi yelled as Lloyd bit his Lip before kissing her to make her stop screaming.After he rubbed it in the pain stopped as he ripped off the arm clothe on his gi and rubbed it around her leg."You cant walk properly.It's paralysed your leg.It's not perment but you wont be able to walk."Lloyd said.He wrapped the map in a sling around Harumi's arm ,so he could see where they were going, and picked her up in his arms bridal style.

"Lloyd you can't!You're arm!"Harumi Yelled.

"It's fine.It only hurts a little and beside you'll be in more pain if you walk.I'd rather me be hurt than you."He said as Harumi hid in his chest to hide her growing blush.After a while she fell asleep.Lloyd smiled and continued until he reached a boat.He put her down and studied the map.He put a blanket on her and closed his eyes finally getting spme sleep.


Harumi woke up and looked at the blonde as the pain in her leg was gone.
She smiled and kissed his neck before looking for her phone.

Ultra remember the boat I sent out a few months ago?


Get the S.O.G here now.Quickly while Lloyd is asleep.

You mean while your boyfriend's asleep?

Harumi sighed and stroked Lloyd's cheek and kissed him gently.

"Im sorry.But it's the only way"Harumi sighed stroking his cheek.After a while the Son's of Garmadon arrived.One jeep and the generals on their bikes.Harumi walked out of the boat as Killow went in with a pair of vengstone cuffs and walked out with Lloyd and his hands chained."Everyone be quiet!We'll go the long way"Harumi said as she climbed In the jeep with Lloyd.She played with his hair before driving of.


"Mmhm.H-Huh?Rumi what's going on on!?"Lloyd asked.Harumi put a finger over his mouth shushing him.

"Relax Lloyd.Everuthing will be better soon."She said in her princess voice to relax him and reassure him everything was fine.Her voice was so addictive to him.Like a light in the darkness.

"Mm Rumi."He said tiredly.Only now he felt a stinging pain on his wrists.He looked down as Harumi lifted his chin back up and rested her lips on his gently kissing him.

"I can loosen them if you want."Harumi whispered in his ear.Lloyd forced himself to look away from Harumi's eyes  to see The S.O.G around them.

Llorumi Oneshots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora