Part - 12 Abhiraj Is Mafia??

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Sana and Tania return back to there apartment. Sana is angry and Tania understand her situation The whole ride was silent. Sana straight away went to her room and Tania also did the same because she feels that this is not the right time to have conversation with Sana about the incident. Sana is angry in this mood she will not able understand. She have to calm herself down. So Tania decided she will talk to her later.

Sana pov....
This Ahaan is getting on My nerves why the hell is he always like this with me. I hate him. I do hate him. Oh god i hate him so much that i cant stand him even for one sec from now on. Calm down Sana calm down. You have to calm down don't forget you have to go right now. Sana called someone and tell him to have an eye on Abhiraj sir that he is in party or not. He is still in party. Sana get ready for her mission she covered her mouth and tie her hair as well and went down through the window. Because she don't want to Tania know about this. So she silently went down through the window of her room and went to Singhania's Mention.

Sana reached at the mention and as per the reports the mention is empty because no one is here

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Sana reached at the mention and as per the reports the mention is empty because no one is here. She hacked the CCTV cameras so no one gets to know that someone is in the house. She straightly climb up into Abhiraj's room. As she came into Singhania's Mention before so she knows that where is Abhiraj's room. She came inside through the window and start searching. She is checking drawers she checked the almira as well. She do found some documents but the all documents are just about the IT companies or IT work nothing suspicious is here. Everything is normal nothing is there as proof for mafia. She clicked some pictures so that she can prove him innocent. She decided to came back but something hit her head. Abhiraj : yes I always like to spend my most of the time in my study room and I also work there as well. Sana remembers about his study room as she hears his conversation in college. Sana decided to go there. She walk downstairs and went to study room but the door is locked and its asking for the password. Sana have some gadgets with her. She grab one of her gadget and tries to open the door and in one try its open.

On the other hand Abhiraj and Ahaan is in the party but Ahaan mood is totally off he dint want to stay in the party but just because of his brother he have to stay there. As no one is in there home right now. He was getting bore there but still he don't able to came back home.

Sana entered and start looking around.

This room is small but cozy and giving good vibes

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This room is small but cozy and giving good vibes. Sana starts searching she checks the drawers. She didn't find anything there. Suddenly while searching she excitedly hit her hand to paper weight and it fall down she picked it up and place it on the table when she placed it on the table Suddenly the wall of her behind pull upside and there she can see a secret room full of... guns.

She is totally shocked what was she is watching and how this happened just placing one paper weight on table this room opened

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She is totally shocked what was she is watching and how this happened just placing one paper weight on table this room opened. Their are many guns in different sizes and one more thing in the middle of room their is one more door she walks towards the door and teues to open it with her gadgets but the gadget is not working. Sana : how is that even possible? She tries 2 to 3 times but gadget is not able to grab the right password. Sana is totally confused that how is that even possible. Why is this not working. Now her mind is saying something is wrong in this room she have to enter and check the room. She tries her another gadgets as well but the door is not opening. Time is flying. She is hoping that Abhiraj or Ahaan would take some more time in party. She is still opening the door but everything is useless. The handprint lock is not working the password is not working. Her phone is ringing but she put her phone on silent mode that's why she is not able to hear it and also she is so concentrated towards the door that she won't able to realize that her phone is ringing. Suddenly she hear some voices. Oh no. She fastly remove her gadget from the door and walks out from the gun room. When she walks out from that gun room the wall automatically came down at the right position. By looking at the wall no one can even imaging that there is one secret room behind this wall. She walks out from the room slowly and ran towards the Abhiraj's room. She have to came down through the same window because someone is now downstairs so she can't go out from the house through the main door. Sana walks in Abhiraj's room and close the door and walks to the window she was about to go out from the window but someone grab her hand from behind her back is facing that window. She dont know who is that person? The grip was so strong. She knows its men grip but who Ahaan? Or Abhiraj?

Who is gonna be that person who grab her hand? And why Abhiraj have a secret gun room? And what is behind that door which is in gun room? Why sana can't able to open that door? Is that person will know that she is Sana?

Let's find out together in mext chapter. Thank you for your time and reading it. I hope you like it and enjoy this chapter. If you did then do comment your thoughts and do vote for it please.

Love you guys..

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