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In college.
Sana and Tania is super excited they just entred in university and both are looking around. How the university is looking and where they have class and where they have cafeteria and where playground n all.

Tania : its so cool. (Excited)
Sana : yeah. (Calmly)
Tania : come on girl its so good that we got our dream college.
Sana hummed.
Tania : don't worry i am here.

Both are walking while talking. They went to locker area and placing thier books. Suddenly someone cross them. They didn't even notice who is he?

Ahaan pov...
I just step out from my car and lock it then I walks inside college and as always girls starts following me. I am enjoying it so much when they went crazy over me. I walked to my locker and when I open it. Things fall down from my locker. Its not new for me i know its cards and gifts from my fangirls so i just smirk and sigh. While girls are looking at me. I was flexing this when I saw my brother coming. I started behaving innocent in front of him like i am the most innocent person on earth. Then he just give me a side eye look while walking and walks away from me. I heavily sigh and start again my flirting with girls.

Abhiraj pov..
I was walking towards the library Then I saw Ahaan flirting with girls as always when he saw me coming Then he start making face like a 5 year old kid. Eish.... this boy. I just give him side eye look while walking towards library. When I cross him he again came back to his flirting with girls. He is not gonna change. (Shoke his head)

Meanwhile Sana and Tania walks towards there class and went to their seats and sat on them. They have first class with Abhiraj.

Abhiraj came in class and everyone settle down on there seats. Abhiraj interduce him to the class. As always he starts teaching the class and girls are staring at him but not sana. Tania is also some how observing him. His hair, his eyes, his nose, his beard her eyes almost came down on his lips but sana slowly hit her elbow to Tania. Tania looks at her.

Sana : i know he is good looking but for now concentrate on studies.🤭🤭
Tania : yeah yeah this boring Maths and he is not handsome at all.
Sana : yeah thats why you are looking.. huh no .... glaring at him. Right?
Tania : what me? And glaring at a boy never sana.

They both are talking but some one interrupts them.

Abhiraj : I think you guys are having very important conversation that is important than the class.

Sana and Tania realize that the professor is standing behide on there seat Both looks at each other then to Abhiraj. Abhiraj was folding his hands in front of his chest and looking at them with his beautiful eyes. Tania and sana stands up and said sorry to him. Abhiraj nodded his head as its ok and said concentrate now. Both nodded and sat down. Abhiraj walks towards the board and both sighed in relief. Class over after an hour. Bell rings and students takes a heavy breath like Finally its over. Abhiraj said bye to them and walks out from class. Sana and Tania also walks out from class while talking. They decided to go to canteen for some rest after having a very heavy Maths class. Tania walks towards the canteen and sana walks towards there locked for changing books for next class. Tania gives her bag to sana for changing her books as well and she went to canteen. Sana was holding two bags and walks to her locker and changes the book then she did same to Tania's bag. She walks to the canteen.

Sana : like always I have to take care of her. (Smiles)

She was walking while zipping Tania bag and she didn't realize while walking she crashed on someone and that someone is Ahaan.

Ahaan : hey look where are you walking.
Sana : sorry i was not looking. My bad.
Ahaan : ah.. like other girls trying to start conversation with me. Such a chep tan-trums. (Roll his eyes)
Sana : excuse me mister?
Ahaan : totally excused (said while he walks away from her.)
Sana : hey listen.
Ahaan walks away and ignore her.
Sana : stupid. What he thinks of himself. Donkey

Sana came to canteen and grab a seat next to Tania who is waiting for her. Tania looks at her and asked what happened? Sana didn't tell her what happened she simply said nothing. Then thay grab something to eat.

Ahaan also came into canteen. He walks and also grab something to eat while coming he saw sana and reminds that she is the one who crashed into him but he just ignore her and walked pass their table. Sana was glaring at him when is crossing them.

Sana : such a self obsessed person. (Thinks)
Tania : sana
Sana didn't hear her voice because she was busy glaring at Ahaan.
Tania : Sana!
Sana : yeah. Sorry what's wrong.
Tania : why are you looking at him.
Sana : nothing.
Tania : okay. Eat fast then lets go.

Sana nodded. Tania feels something fishy is happening but she didn't force sana to spit the truth in front of her. After finish eating they went to there another class. And the college ends after some classes.

How was the meeting of them? I hope its not bad. Thank you so much for reading this chapter. If you like this part then do comment what you like.
See you in next chapter.


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