Part - 10 Unexpected!!

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Everyone is in venue.

Ahaan : this is not fare you just walk away without me living me outside alone.

Sana looking around.

Ahaan : for whome you are looking for.

Suddenly he saw his brother.

Ahaan : dudy? But he said he dint want to come. What is he doing here? (Went to him)

 What is he doing here? (Went to him)

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(Abhiraj outfit)

Ahaan : hey dudy!
Abhiraj : hey.
Ahaan : what are you doing here. You said you are not coming.
Abhiraj : Grandma send me here.
Ahaan : good. Now lets enjoy.

After watching Abhiraj Sana and Tania walks towards them.

Tania : hey sir.
Sana : hello Sir.
Abhiraj: hey. Looking good girls.
Tania : thank you sir you to looking very handsome in black.
Abhiraj : thank you.
Tania : lets dance Ahaan come.
Ahaan : yeah sure come dudy.
Abhiraj : no you guys carry on I am good here.
Ahaan : come on bhai you are looking so handsome let's go.
Abhiraj : ahaan i said no.
Ahaan : fine. Sana come join us.
Sana : no I am fine here to.
Ahaan : such a party poopers both of you.
Both (sana and Abhiraj): hey!!! We are not.
Ahaan : yes you are guys. Specially this girl (pointing his finger towards Sana) she only enjoys Indian. She is not western person so may be she don't know how to do western dance. Come on Tania let's dance.

Ahaan grab Tania's hand and take her on dance floor.

Abhiraj : don't mind him he is like this since childhood.
Sana : no problem sir it's fine. 😊😊

Ahaan and Tania is dancing together. Ahaan came to Abhiraj.

Ahaan : come na dudy don't be a spoil spot.
Abhiraj : fine let's join them Sana.
Sana : I am fine here sir you please go.
Ahaan : let her be dudy she don't know the western songs or the western vibes she is typically Indian so she don't understand this dance at all.
Abhiraj : Ahaan don't talk to her like this.
Ahaan : but dudy its true. No Sana?

Sana looks at him and smiles.

Sana : would you like to have a dance with me.... Abhiraj sir?
Ahaan : huh? I thought she will ask me but why dudy ?? (Thinks)
Ahaan : no he will not.
Sana : you are not sir. I asked him.
Ahaan : he is my brother.
Sana : so?
Ahaan : so, I can give answers on behalf of him.
Sana : he can answer himself. Right sir. (Looks at him)
Abhiraj : yes i can, definitely.
Sana : good, so can we?
Abhiraj : sure let's go.
Ahaan : bhai ?? Seriously her?
Sana : what do you mean by her?
Ahaan : her means.. you (pointing his hand towards Sana to up to down)
Sana : why you--
Abhiraj : lets go (Take her)

Abhiraj and Sana went to the dance floor and Ahaan also. Sana and Abhiraaj starts dancing.

Sana and Abhiraj is doing great in western dance. They are enjoying but someone is burning somewhere while watching them.

Ahaan : why did she asks dudy not me. (Irritated)
Girl : what happened Ahaan let dance with us.
Ahaan : I am not in a mood. Enjoy by yourself. (Moves away from her)

Sana Pov...

Sana and Abhiraj is dancing. Sana was not having any problem with Abhiraj touch. She is dancing and enjoying as well. She was also thinking about living the party as soon as possible because she wants to go to Abhiraj's room. Before he went back but if she vanished from the party after reaching of Abhiraj then may be he get some idea that something is not right she dont want to take any risk. Even sana is not sure about Abhiraj being mafia 100% but somewhere he can be as per Tania's proof she don't want to take any risk so she stays for sometime and even having dance with him is a good option for her may be he don't have any stupid thought about her. Her being spy. She is enjoying but she saw Ahaan face and he is looking angry may be because he said no but still his brother is dancing with that girl who he hates so much. She feels proud, because she feels that's she wins and he loses this time.

Ahaan pov...

Sana is smiling while dancing and dudy as well. When I grab her or touch her then she always have a big problem but now dudy is touching her now she is feeling comfortable wow. Why dudy is grabbing her waist and why is she smiling to him. Why she don't have any problem with him. Enough i can't see this anymore. Ahaan think something nothing comes up in his mind so he decided to go to her because he can't take this anymore.

Ahaan : I am done with this.

Without thinking Ahaan walks to them and grab sana and pull her to him for dancing. Tania saw that and start dancing with Abhiraj.

Sana : what the hell is this?
Ahaan : this is called dancing. Sweetheart what you just doing with my brother. (Glare at her)
Sana : yeah whatever. I need to go. (trying to move away)
Ahaan : why? You don't have any problem dancing with my brother then you must like dancing with me. I mean it is a dream for every girl.
Sana : no it's not. May be its a dream for other girls but not for me.
Ahaan : just admit it Sweetheart. How many times you gonna deny it.
Sana : I am telling the truth.

They both are dancing and talking together. Girls are watching them and getting jealous.

Ahaan : yeah I can see that in your eyes. (Smirks)
Sana : leave me ahaan I don't want to dance with you.

Ahaan turns her. Her back is touching his strong chest and he is grabbing her hands in his hands strongly. She is trying to free herself from his grip but he is not letting her free herself. Suddenly He whispered something unexpected.

Ahaan : come on Sweetheart i know you are like other girls who just wants to spend one night with us and for you, you can have me.

Everyone hears a loud slap. Oh!!!!

Thank you guys for reading. I know some parts of this story is boring but some is very interesting its just a plot. I hope you like it thanks for giving your time for reading this.

Love you....

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