Part-3 Making me crazy

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Sana went to Tania in the class. Tania was just looking at Sana face because she seems irritated. Tania asks her what happened? Sana tell her everything. Tania shocked.

Tania : really??
Sana : yes what he thinks of himself. He is so annoying i can't even tell you.
Tania : ok, ok sweetheart just relax when he bothers you again just tell me.

Sana nodded and class starts after this.

Ahaan pov...
I am in my class right now and teacher is teaching something but i can't concentrate became of that new hippo girl. I mean how can she manage to look into my eyes straight just like that and that words of her " I Am Not Interested In You". Smirk comes on his face. While remembering the whole conversation. How can she says that i am the most, THE MOST handsome guy in our college and she just... But one sec why this line is bothering me so much. Stop thinking about her. He is just a normal girl like others. But the way she is not interested in me, makes me so annoy that I can focus in anything.

After class ends in college Sana and Ahaan meets from far and they are just ignoring each other. But somehow its bother Ahaan so much that this girl. What she have? And why she is giving him that attitude. Its bother him so much. The college ends and everyone went back to there places.

Ahaan was playing game but he can't focus in that to. He loses the game for the 4th time. That's impossible because he always wins any game. After loosing 4th time he just throws the controlar on the sofa in his room and jumps on his bed. He lays on his back looking at the selling and the words and Sana's face is coming in front of his eyes and that line again and again. "I AM NOT INTERESTED IN YOU". Ahaan sighs and looks his face into the mirror and thinks yes he is smoking hot and his feature are so pretty which can make any girl hypnotized but why not her?

Ahaan : agh..... this is so annoying that hippo girl is making me go crazy just in one meet. I have to talk to her from where she got that courage to talk to me like that.😤😤

Next day in college.

Sana came early for some reason. She is just walking in corridor suddenly some one pulled her by grabbing her wrist in a silent room. And its none other then Mr. Ahaan Singhania. Sana was about to scream but Ahaan cover her face with his palm and pin her to the wall.
Sana was just looking at him in disbelief. Like what is he doing?

Ahaan : don't shout ok.
Sana nodded.
Ahaan remove his palm.
Sana : what the hell is wrong with you? What are you thinking that you are doing and how could you just grab my hand like that and ho----- (Ahaan again shuts her up by his hand on her mouth)
Ahaan : stop asking me questions and let me talk first.

Sana nodded and Ahaan is just looking at her face and forgets what he want to say. Sana was also looking at his face and waiting for him to say something but when he didn't say something for few minutes so she bite his palm.

Ahaan : ah... (Grab his hand with another) are you a dog. It hurts.
Sana : shut up do you have any idea that what are you doing. You just pull me in this empty room and if someone sees us alone like this. Do you have any idea how big trouble is gonna be for us.
Ahaan : I dont give a fu.....
Sana : shut up don't use that language in front of me.
Ahaan : stop being rude to me.
Sana : and you stop bothering me from now on.
Ahaan : me? I am bothering you. Oh really. No you are bothering me, your words are bothering me.
Sana : what (Confused)
Ahaan : that.. that words of yours "I AM NOT INTERESTED IN YOU" is bothering me.
Sana : why?
Ahaan : idk its just no one talks to me like that before and also no one behaves with me like you do.
Sana : ok so from now on I don't want to bother you and i think its goes same with you as well. From now on lets stay away from each other. And by saying sorry to each other lets just close the matter.
Ahaan : I would never say sorry to anyone.
Sana : fine then I am sorry. And from now on don't talk to me and don't bother me. I'll do the same.

Ahaan nodded and agreed to her statement. With that she left that room and Ahaan was standing there by his own. After 5 to 10 minutes he came out from that room as well he don't want anyone to see that he and Sana was in the same room alone. So came out after sometime.

What do you guys think? Will this conversation be the last conversation of them? They are not gonna bother each other from now on? Or Ahaan is going to do something. Lets wait for tomorrow's episode.

Thank you so much for reading and giving your time to this story. If you like this story then plz do comment your thoughts. Its gonna help me alot.

Love you guys.

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