Fern To The Rescue

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Heavy wind swept across the island. It was strong enough to blow over trees, destroy fences, and blow empty trucks off the line! The engines were very glad the worst of it happened while they were tucked away in their nice, safe shed.

Fern, the farmer, however wasn't so lucky. While she lives with myself and many of the other workers, she is often out until the early hours, helping round up frightened live-stock and checking the nearby trees.

One morning, she returned, tired and beaten down.

"You could do with a nice wash down."

Glen smiled politely.

"That always helps freshen me up."

"The full 8 hours is what I'm looking for."

Fern sighed.

"Besides, it's hard enough having to do all this ya'know? These storms bring down almost any sort of tree, with all the wind we've been having."

While she hadn't meant to, Glen was a touch sensitive, and tends to think about the worst case scenario. He felt rather nervous.

"I'm sure we'll be alright."

Douglas' driver soothed.

"The trees by the line are strong and have already withstood worse than this!"

But Glen wasn't so sure.

The days passed, but nothing changed, until one morning, Glen was acting as the relief engine. He was trying to stay under the cover of the works station's wall, when the station manager came hurrying over.

"Charles' come off the line, you'll need to take his next passenger train!"

Glen agreed, and was swiftly coupled to the train. Once the right of way was given, Glen set off into the howling wind.

Meanwhile, not too far away, Fern and her tractor were heading home. The tractor's engine was coughing up something fierce.

"I'll have to inspect that when we get home."

She thought, although they never got the chance. As she rounded the bend, one almighty gust of wind tore through them! The tractor almost tipped over, and Fern had to hold on for dear life! In the distance, stood a long line of trees. They had withheld the prior batterings, but this one gust proved too much. With a sickening crack! One of the trees came toppling to the ground, blocking the line!

"That's not good!"

Fern gasped. She quickly moved her tractor, and waddled up the line with a set of red flags.

Glen was making good time. The coaches were quiet, and the wind only battered him in short bursts. He was feeling pleased with himself. Or he was, until he rounded the bend. Fern stood by the line-side, flag in hand.

"A tree's blocked the line."

She told his crew.

"I've informed control, but the high-ways blocked, meaning no-one can move it yet."

Glen was dismayed.

"And I was going so nicely too."

He huffed. Quickly, the train was drawn up to the trees.

"Glen could push it aside, but it would only be more of a problem for the next engines."

His stoker commented. The situation seemed hopeless. Suddenly, Fern had an idea.

"I can pull it off the line? I can use some ropes, and just brute-force it."

"It'll have to do."

His driver agreed cautiously.

"But make it quick, the passenger's never take kindly to delays."

Swiftly, Fern's tractor was fashioned to the tree.

"Alright, when I say heavy, heavy!"

Glen's guard called.

"One, two, HEAVE!"

The tractor spluttered to life, tugging and pulling with all its might. Its engine coughed and groaned, but at last, with one great effort, the tree was pulled away from the line!


Glen cheered and whistled! This was short lived, as only moments later, there came a bang! Fern's tractor's engine had given out, spewing thick black smoke everywhere. They couldn't move any further.


Fern snapped.

"What to do now?"

Glen thought for a moment, before he smiled.

"You helped me, let me help you!"

Glen was as good as his word, quickly fetching a flat-bed, and within seconds loading the tractor on top of it. The passengers clapped and hollered, as Glen started off for home, feeling much better about things.

That night, Glen saw a very tired Fern once again.

"Thank you for your help today."

He said softly.

"You saved us a great deal of trouble."

"Don't mention it mate."

Fern yawned, before clutching onto Douglas' driver's arm.

"You deserve a nice, long rest."

He smiled.

"After all, heroes deserve their beauty sleep."


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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