Alfie And Clarance

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Unfortunately, Clarence had made his way onto the mainline, his fiery temper had set off a chain of events, and soon, the engines began to complain.

"Someone should rip that van apart!"

Alaric snapped!

"He's better off as firewood than anything!"

Douglas looked at his buffers sheepishly.

"I uhh, dinne think that's such a good idea.."

Clarence's favourite targets were Alfie and Alfred. They didn't typically speak up, or talk back to him. They were rather quiet, this is what Clarence had wanted. To make matters worse, Alfred was away being repaired, so Alfie had to struggle alone.


He barked crossly, Alfie didn't reply. He just sighed, and carried on.

One morning, Alfie was steaming down the line with a heavy goods train. He had been running surprisingly well, but was anticipating Clarence to act up, as the train passed the airport station, There was a sudden jolt!


Clarence screamed! Alfie's driver brought the train to a stop. Once there, his driver, stoker and guard inspected the train. The guard stormed over not long later.

"That ridiculous van!"

She snapped.

"Slipped his brakes on, they must be jammed, we'll have to shunt him into a siding and fetch him later!"


Alfie whimpered.

"We had been going so nicely too..."

He shunted the grumpy cattle van into a siding nearby, and set off again, now running far behind schedule.


He barked!

"I wish I would."

Alfie whispered to himself.

He arrived to the other railway, very late indeed.

He shunted his trucks away, and steamed over to the coal hopper. Donald and Douglas were sat nearby, they were known for being well respected among the trucks, and had known about Clarence's sub-par attitude.

"Let me guess."

Donald asked.


"I can never catch a break with him, it's always the same with him, he calls me names and holds me up!"

The twins exchanged looks.

"How did you two do it!? How did you gain the truck's respect?"


Douglas blushed.

"We... just kinda..."

"Take my advice!"

Donald interrupted.

"Just ignore him, if you give him no reaction, he'll get tired of it."

"Old school bully he is!"

Douglas chuckled, this made Alfie feel a little better.

It was the following day when Alfie had a goods train bound for the works station, so Alfie had to collect Clarence.


The grumpy van barked!


Alfie didn't reply, he was coupled up, and grumbled the whole way to the station.

When Alfie arrived, the station master was waiting.

"Those trucks need to be shunted into the works sidings, and Clarence will need to go into the siding with the spare parts."

Alfie agreed, and in due time, began shunting all the trucks away.

By the works, there are many sidings, they are used to store trucks and engines when the works is full, this is where Clarence was to be left. However, sometimes, the sidings can feel longer than they actually are. Clarence was at the back of the train, and watched as the buffers came closer and closer. But still, Alfie didn't slow down.


He cried, but Alfie didn't listen, he thought Clarence was trying to block the line! Clarence watched in horror, he shut his eyes, his front smashed into the buffers, ripping them apart!


Was all he could shout, as his front collided with the wall of the works! Alfie had finally come to a stop!

"Oh dear!"

He gasped.

"I didn't know that would happen!"

Alfred watched from the works. He eyed the now mortified van, before smiling, and setting off.

It took some time for the mess to be cleared, Clarence was beside himself.


He balled. The Fat Controller rolled his eyes, before speaking to a very ashamed Alfie.

"Do you think smashing him into a wall was your best course of action?"

He asked, trying to hold back a snicker.

"It wasn't intentional sir! I promise sir! I was trying to ignore him so he'd stop calling me names!... and well..."

The Fat Controller placed a hand on the twin engine's buffer.

"It's quite alright, Douglas told me everything, I think you trying to ignore him was a very smart idea!"

"Do you mean it sir!?"

Alfie stammered, The Fat Controller just nodded, before making his way to the irate van.

"As I thought. Your front is badly damaged and your buffer's are bent, maybe if we repair you, you'll earn yourself a better name."

Sadly, he didn't. Clarence is still as rotten as ever. He returned unchanged, mostly, he's still very rude, and likes to cause all sorts of trouble. Only now, he's quite scared of Alfie and Alfred, who are much happier, not having to deal with the troublesome van's antics anymore. As everytime they are near him. Clarence goes deathly quiet.

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