Hopper Hope

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The Fat Controller stood in his office, pacing on the phone.

"Send the breakdown train!... Yes I'll be right over!"

With that, his set his phone into the front sleeve of his pocket, and sighed

"Not again..."

The need for stone had become of great importance. The Fat Controller had decided that new hopper wagons from the other railway would be brought in to help cover the loads.

"They'll be stronger, and you should be able to transport more stone per trip!"

The engines liked the sound of this!

One morning, Kermit brought the new hoppers to the big station, where they were taken to places to be loaded.

By the time some had returned, Barry had arrived, to take the hoppers to the works station. He eyed the train with great suspicion. All the trucks look like your run of the mill troublesome ones. All that is, except for one. It looked rugged, and had patchy facial hair, its scowl is what alerted him.


He announced.

"I want no nonsense, you understand!"

The trucks whispered quietly, as the large tank engine coupled up to the train.

"Crystal clear!"

Came a rough voice.

Barry soon set off. He hadn't got far, when there was an almighty scratch!


Came a awful cry! Barry and his crew brought the train to a quick stop!

"What's the matter!"

He cried. His stoker checked along the train, before she and the guard noticed it!

"Looks like this ones put the brakes on!"

Barry gritted his teeth.

"Sorry mate! Force of habit!"

The hopper laughed. The driver shook her head, and watched, as the remaining crew released the brakes.

"What's this?"

The stoker rubbed some dust off the side of the hopper, to reveal a name written on the wagon's side.


"Do excuse that name Miss, Old codename ya see!"

Barry didn't reply.

Over the next few days, Bolts the hopper wagon earned himself a name. He was awfully behaved, and not like Clarence or Layton, he was dangerous, and always had it out for the engines.

First, he caused Donald's tender to come off the line near Edward's station.

Then he flicked rocks at Big Mac, smashing his windows.

He even pushed Ben into the turntable well! And each time, he'd always cry.


"Something needs to be done!"

James snapped!

"He's a danger to all of us! Nothing but trouble!"

"The amount of times we've all had near misses or delays because of him is insane!"

Benedict barked!

"Someone should just put him in his place!"

Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends: Into The Boob Verse.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz