Daylight Robbery

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Lance tittered anxiously, as the workmen fussed around one of his trucks. One of the open wagons had a door ripped off, leaving only splintered wood left.

"I thought as much."

His guard sighed, resting her short frame against Lance's front end.

"Seems like someone's come and nicked some tires from the truck."

Lance's face fell. He already wasn't too popular at the sheds, and now, knowing some of his cargo had been stolen, didn't make him feel any better.

He was hoping things would be tame at the sheds when he returned. While some of the engines gave him sympathy, many didn't. Hugh especially.

"How on earth does something like that happen!?"

Hugh snapped.

"It's astounding you'd let something like this even happen!"

"How was I to know!?"

Lance retored, blasting diesel fumes in every which way!

"I don't keep an eye on the trucks when I'm being readied!"

"Well you should've!"

Hugh finished.

"Daylight robbery indeed!? How insulting to the railway!"

Of course, Hugh was being over-dramatic, but Lance was still red with fury. He grumbled all night long!

The days passed, and no more robberies occurred along the line. The topic was swiftly forgotten.

Not long later, a heatwave came. It was unbearable, and the engines found themselves sweltering. It was so bad that talks of fire bans being put into place were had. With everything going on, the engines dropped their guards completely.

Hugh had forgotten about his argument with Lance, as he crept carefully into the radio station. The station master was waiting.

"The trucks you need to pick up are in the sidings."

She explained.

"Isn't a awful lot, but it's carrying valuables."

Hugh whistled, and slowly crept into the yards. Emma had been right, a van at the back of the train was carrying machine parts. As he got closer and closer to the train, he noticed a van, stood near the sidings. It was fairly dirty, with only the tires looking moderately new. The incident with Lance flashed into his smoke-box.

"Those look the same tires Lance had stolen."

He said to himself. His attention turned to the train, only a couple of trucks stood waiting, but with the sun out, he could see them perfectly, along with the shape of someone hopping into the van!


He cried! Before his driver could check him, Hugh jolted quickly backwards! He slammed into the standing trucks with a loud thunk! His crew were very startled!


Hugh whaled! Not giving his driver or stoker any moment to react! Thankfully, the thief had been tossed off his feet when Hugh had hit the trucks, and was trying to fumble away! His stoker acted quickly, hurrying over, and grabbing the man before he could get any further!

"Well done old boy"

His driver smiled.

"You caught that pesky robber!"

Hugh snickered.

"Hah! Only fools steal, especially during daylight hours!"

Soon, Douglas arrived with the cranes, and Lance came to take the trucks on. The Fat Controller was onboard.

"Not my most favored of methods to catch crooks."

The Fat Controller said, eyeing the derailed train.

"But that doesn't matter, nothing was damaged after all!"

He turned to Hugh.

"You managed to catch him just before he made off with some very valuable parts! I am very proud of you!"

Hugh blushed, and looked away.

"The tires were also from Lance's train. Must've been fitted only today too."

Douglas' driver added.

"All's well ends well huh?"

The Fat Controller nodded.

"I was thinking about giving you a new coat of paint... However."

Hugh's face grew somber.

"Lance did mention your reaction when he had the tires stolen. Which I'm not pleased with. Besides, your paint isn't too bad at the moment."

Hugh's brow narrowed, as Lance snort laughed loudly. His bellowing chuckles seemed to fade as he slowly oiled away.

Hugh was given a hero's welcome when he returned home, and was treated like a king for the next few days. This in time passed, leaving only two things behind. Hugh and Lance's fierce rivalry, and the tires that the lorry wore, sat neglected next to the sheds.

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