Feeling Like A Champion.

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Thomas' branch line is the home to many farmers, who help provide produce to the railway. Many of the farmers are older, and tend to rely on Toby to take the trains. Toby always shows great and meticulous care when it comes to livestock. This is the term used for farm animals that are commonly used, such as cows for milk or chickens for eggs. The farmers load them into special vans, where Toby will take them to the junction station, where one of the mainline engines will take the trains on. The other branch line engines weren't so well versed in the matter.

"I can't wrap my funnel around it!"

Percy groaned.

"It seems like such a hassle!"

"It isn't when you've done it as long as I have!"

Toby chuckled.

"I'm lucky, every time I've gone, nothing bad has ever happened!"

Of course the worst luck came the following day. Toby wasn't feeling well, no matter what his crew did, nothing worked.

"We'll have to find a spare engine."

His driver murmured, placing one hand to her chin. Thomas was sat nearby, he'd always wanted to help out, and say 'hullo' to all the farmers and their stock.

"I can help?"

Thomas whistled.

"I can ask Percy to cover for my passengers, then I'll take the stone trains later?"

"Very well!"

The Shedmaster smiled.

"You're needed at the Airfield. Some animals are being moved to the petting zoo, ready for tomorrow's market!"

And she waved Thomas away.

It was a lovely day, and Thomas was feeling very pleased with himself!

"Good morning!"

He whistled as he passed some cyclists! They all happily rang their bells in reply! Thomas thought that day would be very beautiful.

Champion is a very old bull. He's been around for a long time, that even Daisy remembers seeing him many years ago. He wasn't often brought out to the market, but Sam the farmer was worried he was getting on in age.

"He mightn't be here much longer."

He reasoned.

"Might as well give him a treat for all he's done!"

However, Champion is very stubborn, and doesn't like following orders. As they were trying to load him into the van, Champion saw some very yummy looking grass, sat by the side of the line.


He thought, and strolled away. The farmers tried to move him, but it didn't work. At that moment, Thomas came happily around the corner, he could see the troublesome bull making a meal out of the lineside.

"Peep peep! Good morning! What's the matter?"

The farmer shook his head.

"Champion won't come when we try to move him. Would you mind blowing some steam, just to move him?"

Thomas agreed, and let out a little blast of steam. But Champion didn't budge. Thomas tried again, and again, but the stubborn bull didn't even bat an eye.

"Hmm, seems we need a new plan."

His stoker thought aloud. At that moment, Percy arrived, with Annie and Clarabel in tow. Champion was blocking his line, so the passengers were forced to wait.

"Of course this had to happen today."

Percy joked. The two partners in crime found the situation quite funny. Sam the farmer pondered for a moment.

"Perhaps we can have a rope attached to one of you, then the other can blow some steam?"

"It's our best shot. After all, my passengers will be getting restless!"

A long rope was tied around Champion on one side, and the other was wrapped around Thomas' front end. At last, Thomas' driver called!

"One, two, three! Heave!!"

Thomas started rolling backwards, and Percy let out a loud wheesh!! In all the hassle, no one had noticed that Champion had finished his meal, and was ready to have a nap in the van. The sudden tugging, along with the blinding smoke was too much for him! Champion let out an almighty cry, and charged out of the smoke, right towards the waiting tank engines!

"What on earth!?"

Percy yelped!

"Oh horrors!!"

Thomas shouted! Champion came closer and closer! It missed Percy, slamming directly into Thomas' front end!! Thomas whistled in alarm!


He cried! Thankfully, Percy still had enough steam, and quickly let off a much smaller wheesh! At last, Champion settled down, and Sam was able to move him safely to the van. Both engines could finally sigh with relief.

"I bet Toby's never had that happen before."

Thomas smiled. The two engines were quickly coupled up, and slowly set off, back to the junction station.

Donald and Douglas were at the station, when the tired but trumpet engines rolled in. Donald took the goods on, while Douglas' crew helped inspect Thomas' front end.

"Only some minor scratches."

Douglas driver said.

"No need for the works at all."

"Phew! That's a relief!"

Thomas yawned.

"I tell you, it would not of been pleasant explaining I got rammed by a bull!"

That night, Thomas and Percy told Toby the whole story. All three found it a great joke.

"Well, all's well that ends well!"

Toby chuckled.

"I must admit."

Thomas finished.

"After all that, it really does make us feel like Champions after all!!"

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