Terry Takes Up Bird Watching

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One warm morning, Terry awoke to The Vicars garage door being pulled open.

"Morning Terry!"

The vicar called excitedly.

"Good morning sir! What's the occasion?"

"I've spoken with Jem Cole, and he's allowing me to build a bird watching shack at his farm!"

Terry was confused.

"What's bird watching?"

He asked, inquisitively.

"It's just about watching birds in their natural environment."

The Vicar told the traction engine. Now with a loose answer, Terry set off, still a little puzzled.

He reached the station, right on time, Donald was in the yard, sorting some trucks.

"Mornin lad!"

The Scottish engine called.

"What brings ya to these neck of the woods?"

"The Vicar wants to make a bird watching hut at the orchard, it seems lovely but..."

Donald laughed.

"Aye! Bird watching is like train spotting from back in the day, young lads would stand by the tracks and tick off our names in a book!"

Donald was so distracted talking to Terry, he wasn't watching where he was going. With a sharp thud! Donald's tender collided with a line of trucks! Many had stayed upright, but one had come off the rails!

"Lock sake!"

Donald gasped!

"I dinn'e see that one coming!"

It was made worse when The Vicar spoke to the stationmaster.

"No cranes are available, all are working on the bridge near the river!"

"Och! BoCo will'ne be happy with this..."

Donald sighed, but Terry had another idea.

"I can help you get that truck back on the tracks! It shouldn't take too long!"

The vicar agreed, much to Donald's relief.

So, Donald shunted the remaining trucks away. While Terry was readied, using strong ropes and chains, and when the all clear was given! He gave a few mighty heaves! And at last, with one last great pull! The wheels were finally secure on the rails! But by then, The Vicar and Terry were very late.

"We might not finish tonight I'm afraid lad!"

The Vicar chuckled, as they started off.

"No mind! We can always get it done tomorrow. And the weather is lovely!"

Terry agreed, before falling silent. He just watched the trees. He could see many different birds flying back and forth, and chirping happily. Terry couldn't help but watch and ponder, all until they arrived to the spot the vicar had picked.

"A lovely little clearing!"

Jem called, who had been waiting.

"The perfect spot!"

Terry watched, as they unloaded the cart with wood, and tools. And just like that, they started to build it. They made quick work of it, and worked hard all day!

At last, the sun began to set.

"We'll call it a night!"

The Vicar yawned.

"We'll need to head off home by now!"

"Oh rubbish!"

Jem replied warmly.

"You are very welcome to stay with me and my family tonight!"

"I'd like to rest under the stars if that's alright."

Terry added.

"I'm watching the birds."

Jem and The Vicar smiled, and agreed! They said their good nights, and walked away.

Terry was now alone, it was warm, and peaceful. With only the birds being his company. He began to grow a little sleepy, and he was just about to shut his eyes, when he felt something gently land on his front. He opened his eyes, to see a little bird, pitched on his wheel.

"Hello little fella."

He whispered, the bird didn't reply, just watching him. Terry smiled, and shut his eyes.

He awoke the next morning. The weather had become even better, and Terry felt very well rested. It wasn't long before The Vicar returned with Jem Cole, and set to work. As they did, Terry heard a twittering sound. The Vicar heard it too, and looked, before inspecting the surroundings.

"Where did that come from!?"

He uttered to himself. Suddenly, Terry felt something move in his funnel.

"What's that!?"

He gasped! The Vicar quickly fetched a ladder, and climbed to the traction engines funnel. When he looked it over, he almost fell with excitement!

"Would you look at this!"

He cried! In the funnel, was a bird's nest! A mother bird sat, with some eggs!

"A rare type too! I never thought I'd see one of these in person!"

Terry could only smile widely.

"Guess I'm a bird watcher after all! Just not the way I expected!"

The mother bird was quite friendly. And once the hut was finished, it was moved to a safer location, where at last they hatched. They are still commonly seen around the railway. Terry is very fond of them, and always gives them a friendly whistle whenever he sees them. He thinks that's very special indeed! He even tells all the engines about them whenever he can.

"For a wee traction engine."

Douglas chucked to his crew.

"He does have a big heart."

Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends: Into The Boob Verse.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin