Horace And The Horse

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Horace is a hard working engine, always in the background, he never likes to be in the spotlight. However, Horace is as versatile as Donald and Douglas, he can tackle any train with ease, and tends to be a go to engine for any type of job! It seems like Horace is unstoppable... almost.

"You're afraid of horses."

Gordon asked, completely bewildered.

"No need to announce it..."

Horace blushed, looking at his buffers. This is true, Horace is... somehow scared of horses.

"If I was Pony I'd be offended."

Impulse joked.

"Why are you afraid of horses of all things! Surely something like scrap, or the dark, or Josie in a bad mood would be worse."

Brendam quizzed, Horace looked away again.

"I just... kind of am, the way they look at you... so unmoving..."

The other engines gave each other wild looks.

"Hate to break it to ya lad."

Douglas sighed.

"But it's market day tomorrow, and they're holding it near the big station this time around. Some sort of celebration I believe. So they'll more than likely be some around that area!"

Horace gulped, but said no more.

The night wasn't pleasant. Heavy storms started around midnight, and didn't let up. The engines started fearing the roof might come down on top of them.

By morning, nothing had changed, thunder roared overhead. The engines didn't want to leave the sheds.

Horace was readying to leave, to collect his first goods train, when The Fat Controller's car screeched into the yard. He came sprinting over, looking frantic!


He called!

"We need your help at the harbour, ships are at risk of sinking!! We need you and Big Mac to pull them in!!"

Horace was horrified, it sounded serious. His horse debate left his mind, as he whistled loudly, he bolted away!

The Fat Controller was right! It was awful. Horace found himself thrust into a dangerous situation!

Not too far away. The market had been moved to the platforms at the big station, as many trains had been cancelled, passengers weren't such a problem, some of the engines huddled for warmth under the canopy of the roof.

"Jesus christ!!"

Alfred cried! As a violent gust of wind tore through the station! The engines and people bracing through the whole thing!

"Loch sakes!"

Douglas cried!

"The lot at the harbour'll be in for it!!"

"What's happening at the harbour?!"

Called a farmer, leading his horse to a safe space. Douglas' driver told him about the ships


The farmer finally replied.

"I'll head up with the horse! They sound like they'll need all the help they can get!"

The farmer, atop his horse, set off into the storm!

Horace was being roped to a large passenger ship as the horse clopped in, and approached the harbour manager

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