Frederick In The Fast Lane

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One morning, Gordon wasn't feeling well, his tubes were badly blocked

"You must go to the works to have them mended."

The Fat Controller told the big blue engine

"I'll have some of the other engines cover your trains."

While Gordon was away, Western, Henry, Benedict and Horace took it in turns taking the train, they were very proud of this, and talked endlessly about it

"It's such a reward for the passengers."

Henry boasted

"That they get to ride such a fine engine, such as myself!"

One of the only engines who wasn't bothered, was Frederick, he had never pulled passengers before, and had heard all the horror stories, it was something he never fancied much.

"You see Frederick!"

Benedict sniffed

"We are important engines! That's why we are trusted with such an honourable train! You are just a goods engine, nothing more."

"I'd rather be a goods engine than have to deal with people who can't say a nice thing about you."

Frederick murmured.

"Unlike trucks, we can't really handle them."

"He makes a point!"

Douglas yawned.

"Cann'e bump the passengers. They'd be very cross, and we'd never hear the end of it!"

And just like that, the matter was dropped.

As the heat rose, the express became heavier, Benedict was proven too weak for the task, and Western began having engine troubles, leaving Henry and Horace to struggle alone.

And one morning, The Fat Controller was out of options. Henry was taking the flying kipper. Horace was feeling ill. Ramsey was taking pipes. Bear, BoCo and Bentley were all far to busy. and with all other engines busy or not strong enough. The Fat Controller asked Frederick to cover the express.

"I'll do my best sir."

Frederick stammered, he was very worried.

The platform was coated with passengers and tourists, all itching to board the fast passenger train, Frederick gulped.

"No wonder everyone else struggled."

The guard nervously laughed.

"Might kill us even before we reach Edward's station."

"Just you watch."

The stoker smirked.

"Frederick mightn't look it, but he was built for express trains."

"Yes, and I was horrible!"

Frederick cried!

At last, the guard's whistle blew, and Frederick steamed out of the station.

Out on the mainline, Frederick began to calm down. His anxiety seemed to vanish, and in no time, he was feeling much better.

"Good boy!"

The driver cheered.

"We're making this a mighty fine run!"

Frederick wasn't going very fast, and plodded along. However, as they left the centre station, he couldn't make up the speed.

"Come on old boy!"

The driver's cheers turned to pleas.

"Whatever is the matter!"

"I just can't keep up the speed."

He panted.

"I'm not made for this.."

"Oh yes you were"

The stoker whispered, but it didn't change. And soon Frederick was going at his normal speed, unable to make up for lost time.

He arrived to the works station. 15 minutes late, out of breath and very tired.


He gasped.

"That was exhausting!"

His crew were about to uncouple him, when a large group of passengers swarmed towards him, Frederick braced for the worst. But to his surprise, they were all smiling.

"Thank you for such a smooth ride!"

They congratulated.

"We never get to see most of the countryside, it was a lovely change!"

"I-I-It was my pleasure!"

Frederick smiled, his crew were very pleased.

"Frederick in the fast lane!"

His driver chuckled.

"How does that sound!"

"Not for me, Gwen!"

Frederick replied.

"Much too exciting, I'd rather stay with the noisy trucks!"

When he returned to the sheds, all the engines gave him a hero's welcome!

"A jolly good show!"

Benedict whistled.

"Marvellous work!"

Henry laughed.

"A credit to the railway."

Hyena added. Frederick sighed happily, and backed into an open birth. Gordon, who had returned from the works, and had taken the train back, looked over, and just smiled.

"For a goods engine, I think Henry should watch his back."

He didn't say anymore, and just winked. Frederick beamed, he knew exactly what he meant.

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