Bath On The Big Screen

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With Byron being mended, his goods traffic fell to the other mainline goods engines. The extra long trains would cause delays, and the engines found themselves struggling to keep pace.

Along with this, something strange seemed to be happening, near where Byron had crashed. It was a hot morning, as Douglas steamed past the radio station. He was surprised to see large white walls being shifted, all aiming in different directions.

"Those look like drive-in screens?"

His driver marvelled.

"Must be something special going on."

Douglas was very curious, and wanted to know more.

He soon got his answer. It was only a few hours later, when The Fat Controller arrived.

"To premiere the movie James and Douglas assisted with."

He told the engines.

"The directors have organised a large screening in the parking lot of the radio station. Special trains will be rostered for the day, and extra coaches will be added to any pre-existing passenger trains."

Bath, who'd been reasonably quiet until that point, finally found his voice.

"And that means all the goods traffic will be terrible, while these two so called movie stars get to galavant off, doing nothing."

"It's only for one day."

The Fat Controller reasoned.

"But there isn't anything we can do."

Bath wasn't happy with this answer, and voiced his opinion about the subject.

"It's just not fair!"

He spluttered.

"These two get treated like celebrities, while we shoulder the work!"

James grinned.

"Douglas and I are the next big thing!"

He exclaimed.

"Not like you'd understand! We're just famous!"

Now, James was only teasing, but to Bath, it seemed like the red engine was mocking him.

"I wanna be famous too!"

He grumbled to himself.

"Just you wait! I'll show him! I wanna be famous!"

As the days wore on, Bath became crosser and crosser. Posters, advertisements, and even James and Douglas being interviewed. It all seemed to pile onto Bath's mind.

At last, the day came. Coaches were filled to the doors with passengers, many wanting to catch the next big flick. Bath eyed the passengers crossly.

"Stupid movie!"

He huffed.

"I could be more famous than any of them!"

The afternoon was turning to evening, as Robinson was shunting some trucks in the radio station's connecting yard. In the middle of the train, was an old tanker. Robinson was too busy looking at all the cars, buses and people near the station. Before he knew it, he felt the trucks make a solid impact with the buffers!


He whispered to himself.

"I best be more careful."

And he set off to the big station. However, what he nor his crew had noticed, was the torn up tanker, leaking oil all onto the rails.

Not long later, the movies were about to begin. Bath huffed crossly into the yards. The station-master was waiting.

"Take them to the siding with the new buffers."

She told his crew.

"You'll be able to run around your train from there."

Bath was still complaining.

"Oh be quiet you!"

His driver snapped.

"Best not to ruin the viewers experience!"

The train rattled into the yard. Ahead of Bath, was one of the screens. It was featureless from the back, with only wooden beams behind for support. It was all too much for Bath, he serged forwards, closer to the points.

"The sooner this is gone, the sooner I can-"

He tried to apply his brakes, but he didn't slow down. He tried again, still nothing happened!

"Oh horrors! I can't stop!"

He cried! Before anyone could shout "Fat Controller." Bath tore through the new buffers! Unfortunately, he was going much faster than Byron had been, and was thrown straight into the big screen in front of him! Now, these screens are only made of fabrics, so it stood little chance against the large engine! Bath only came to rest, with his front end sticking out of the now ruined screen. The movie goers stared at him agape!

"Are you in this movie?"

One person asked. Bath looked sheepishly away.

"... No..."

The screening carried on, with Bath still firmly wedged into the damaged screen. He found the movie quite mediocre, and was glad when the movie stars themselves arrived with the cranes, and The Fat Controller.

"I understand you didn't approve of this, but ruining infrastructure is not the way to handle it."

The Fat Controller scowled.

"You have caused considerable damage! I hope you've learnt some sort of lesion over this whole stunt!"

Bath silently agreed. James and Douglas couldn't help by teasing.

"Well, A knew ye wantit tae be on the big screen."

Douglas laughed.

"But A dinnie think ya meant it i thus way!?"

The three engines snickered to themselves.


Bath finished, smugly,

"If I was in a movie that piss-poor, I wouldn't want to be on the screens myself!"

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