Busted Byron.

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One morning, Gromit was shunting some trucks at the radio station. The trucks, who'd been up all night, weren't too keen on being pushed around anymore. One moment, Gromit was moving careful into a siding, the next, he found himself being tugged backwards!


His stoker cried! As, with an almighty crash! The tail end of Gromit's trucks smashed through the buffers! When the dust settled, they found Gromit unhurt, but the buffers were smashed to bits.

The Fat Controller wasn't cross, but warned Gromit to be more careful in future.

"Whenever you're in a yard, keep on extra high alert."

He told the other engines. Byron found the situation a great joke!

"They should call you Gromit the buffer smasher!"

He cackled.

"Buffers are meant to help you stop, not a method to torture the trucks!"

"It wasn't his fault!"

Wallace barked.

"You'd be in a worse situation with that fat boiler of yours!"

"Fat boiler! I have you know!"

"Alright that's enough!"

Douglas driver snapped.

"Behave yourselves, or The Fat Controller will put you both on shunting for a month."

This stopped the argument at once.

A few days passed, and soon the buffers were receiving attention. The Fat Controller was very pleased.

"Shouldn't be too long until this part of the yard can be opened!"

He told some of the engine crews.

Each time Byron would pass the yards, he'd find himself coming up with more and more jokes about the situation. And every night, he'd have to spit them out. Gromit tried to take no notice of it.

"He's just a grumpy old fool! Ignore him!"

Wallace reassured.

A few days later, the buffers were finally finished, and the siding was opened again! They were just leaving, when Byron shuffled in. The siding, which had been out of action, was quite popular amongst engine crews. A old water tower stood at the end, which engines would often use to cool off. While not serviceable like the others, it could provide comfort. Byron almost skipped towards it.

He rolled slowly towards the buffers. Memories of Gromit's accident came flooding back.

"These buffers are very smart."

He thought to himself.

"Maybe The Fat Controller's glad someone finished the job on those old ones."

Unknowingly, he started to go faster. He tried to slow down, but by then it was too late.


He gasped! Realizing the buffers were coming closer and closer! His driver tried to apply the brakes, but it was too late! Byron smashed through the buffers with a violent crash!! Gromit hadn't been moving very fast, so the trucks hadn't gone far, but Byron had been. He carried on beyond the buffers, his wheels finally coming to rest in the car-park!

"You foolish engine!"

His driver squeaked!

"Did you not listen to The Fat Controller!? Now look where's that ended you huh!?"

Byron's wheels were jammed into the concrete, trapping him like my finger last week with glue. Douglas brought the cranes, and Gromit came to collect the trucks. The Fat Controller observed the situation.

"Wallace's driver told me what you said to Gromit after his accident."

He scolded.

"This little stunt has caused considerable confusion and delay! I think you owe Gromit an apology."

The Fat Controller strolled away. Byron didn't speak for a moment.

"I'm sorry."

He said at last.

"I was only trying to be funny, and took things too far. I did really deserve this."

Gromit didn't need to say a word in reply. He never spoke many words, but the smile was a give away that made Byron understand exactly what he meant.

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