Anna's Pot

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Anna's one of the stoker's on The Fat Controller's railway. More specifically the stoker of Fred the great western goods engine. Always working the mainline, Fred is considered one of the more versatile engines. And often does the hard work.

One morning, Douglas was filling up on water at the big station. He spied Fred, stood nearby. His crew stood by his front, on his front was a funny shape.

"What's that on your front lad?"

Douglas asked, catching the attention of the purple engines crew.

"What? Do you mean this pot??"

"Aye... Did you say pot?"

Douglas driver smiled. Patting his Scottish twin's front end.

"That's Anna's pot. It's her good luck charm. It was the last gift her family gave her before everything... You know..."

Anna nodded.

"I always have it with me. It's special."

She smiled sweetly. Fred shot Douglas a kind look.

"Mind if I use the water tower myself?"

He asked. Douglas agreed.

They had only just switched when the yard manager came bowling out of her office!

"Get away from Fred! We're using this line as a stop block!"

"Stop block!!"

Fred's driver cried!


Before anyone could react. Robinson came sprinting in! Whistling up a storm!

"Look out!"

He cried! Douglas' driver grabbed Fred's crew just in time! Robinson slammed into Fred with an almighty bang! Both engines being tossed like toy trains onto the sleepers! And just like in a film. Time seemed to slow down. As the pot was thrown from Fred's front! And smashed to the ground!

"Bust my buffers!!"

Fred coughed.

It took some time to clear the accident site. Both Fred and Robbinson's fronts were a jumbled mess of metal and paint. Anna was inconsolable, as the pot lay smashed to the ground. Douglas' driver's heart sank, as he comforted the heartbroken stoker.

"It was one hell of an accident."

Fred's stoker squirmed.

"Could hear the impact from miles, I've been told at least."

"At least no one was hurt."

Douglas' stoker replied.

"Erm... At least physically."

At last, Anna fell asleep. Being wrapped up in a blanket.

"God I wish I could nap during the day!"

Fred's driver tried saying. Hoping to break the tension.

"It's a shame..."

Douglas driver sighed.

"It meant so much to her. It's horrible this happened."

"I feel bad for the engines more so."

Douglas' guard added.

"It was a big impact. They'll be in for a little while. They'll have to pull their buffer beams apart. And put them back in piece by piece."

Douglas' driver thought for a moment.

"You know what Mistie. I have an idea."

The crews watched, as Douglas' driver picked up all the pieces of the destroyed pot.

"You're not going to try and fix that, are ya?"

Douglas asked. His driver just simply nodded.

The weeks passed. And each night. Douglas' driver would spend an hour or so slowly gluing the pot back together. It was a tough job. But for the sake of making someone happy, wouldn't you do the same.

After weeks of work. The pot was finally complete. And just in time too.

When the morning came. Anna was awoken to knocking at the door to her dorm. Fred's driver, and co-inhibitor of the room opened the door. To find James' guard standing. She was the leader of the place, and was in charge of many of the engine crews. She was holding a note in one hand.

"Fred's repairs are done."

She told them.

"You'll have to ride in the breakvan on Thomas' morning goods that way. I've been told they might be a gift waiting!"

Both crews shot each other a perplexed look. Before leaving.

When they arrived. They found Fred and Douglas waiting, along with his crew. Douglas' driver holding something behind his back.

"Now, I know you were upset over what happened to your pot, and how it meant so much to you..."

He trailed off. Thinking about what to say next.

"So, this was the least I could do."

And like magic. He revealed the pot. It had large seam lines running all across it. But to Anna it was her pot. She was over the moon, and burst into tears.

"Thank you!"

She cried. Quickly embracing Douglas' driver with a warm, meaningful hug. Fred's driver smiled, and looked to the two nearby engines.

"This is why he's in a harem!"

She chuckled, hurrying over for a hug of her own. Fred looked to Douglas, utterly bewildered. Douglas just smiled.

Anna no longer carries the pot on the footplate. It's much safer for it. She loves that pot even more now. As in her words it 'Has character' it means the world to her, and is cherried.

In turn, Douglas and Fred became close friends, and will often talk early in the mornings. Often discussing accidents, harems and even anything unrelated. And don't tell Anna this. But I did glue some fingers together a few times during the mending process.... Whoops. 

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