Phil Goes Skating

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Winter was passing, but one or two late frosts lingered around the place, creating a thin layer of ice to cling around a little too long.

One afternoon, Clifton entered the harbour, with a train loaded with Sudric produce. He was just slowing down, when his wheels suddenly lost grip on the rails!


He cried, and applied his brakes hard! Thankfully, he'd been under the yard speed limit, and had managed to stop just in time. But the produce vans had been shaken around something fierce! Phil, who was delivering a train himself, scoffed.

"Be careful will you!"

He snapped.

"You don't want to damage any of the produce."

"Wasn't his fault."

Clifton's guard replied.

"Just icy rails. You would've done just the same thing if you two swapped spots."

"Rubbish! I'm far too careful to make a mistake like that! I'm not careless enough to become a ice skater indeed!"

And Phil puffed crossly away.

As the days drew on, less and less ice clung hard to the rails, and the engines found traversing the line far easier. This didn't last, as days later, an ice storm swept across the island. The engines found themselves glad they'd been tucked up in their nice warm sheds.

By morning, the ice storm had passed. The Fat Controller came to speak to Phil.

"One of the highways has been closed due to the storm. The farmer's need a strong, reliable engine to cover the market train to the harbour. I want you to head to the junction and collect the produce."

Phil was far more used to heavier jobs, and liked the idea of a slower morning.

"Sounds like a walk in the park."

He snickered.

"Besides. It'll be a great way to show Clifton how to pull the market trains!"

The trucks were being loaded to the brim with fruits, wines, and other things as Phil bustled in. The train was a bit longer than he'd expected, but Phil didn't mind.

Douglas stood at the platform, watching the green heavy goods engine back down onto the train.

"Be careful out there!"

Douglas' driver called.

"Ice is still coating the line. I'd advise you keep a keen eye on the track, in case it's iced over."

"Aye, and don't go so fast in the yards or harbour! Far safer that way!"

Douglas added.

"Thank you for the warning!"

Called Phil's stoker. They carefully placed sand on the rails, and slowly crept out of the station.

"Ice skating indeed."

Phil whispered to himself.

Douglas had been right to warn him. The engines found the line into the harbour almost like an ice rink. Engines slowly made it down the hill, always making sure to go far slower. Even then, engines still found it hard to stop.

"Make sure to put up go slow signs by the harbour mouth."

The harbour manager spoke firmly.

"Even at normal harbour speeds, it'll still be too dangerous."

However, Sandra had reckoned without Phil. He charged through the big station, unaware of danger ahead. He was too busy thinking what he'd say to Clifton when they next met. All of a sudden! Phil saw the board!


He cried! His driver applied the brakes, but the icy rails propelled him forwards!

"Look out!"

His driver cried! Phil slid down the hill like a staker! Up ahead, stood a set of flimsy old buffers! They hadn't been built to stop rapidly approaching engines, but Phil wished it had! He shut his eyes in terror!

"Oh horrors!!!"

But it was too late! Phil was smashed through the buffers with a crack! The fully loaded trucks toppled off the line right behind him!!

When the dust and ice settled, Phil found himself in a heap of ruined produce and stone. The harbour manager scolded him severely!

"I don't know what sort of engine decides to play figure-skat!"

She snapped in an uncharacteristically loud voice.

"But this little stunt will cost the farmers and the railway a steep amount of money!"

His crew felt equally as apologetic, and offered to help with the clean up.

"No chance..."

The harbour manager sighed.

"With conditions like this, it wouldn't be safe to bring the cranes down. Phil will have to sit here until further notice."

Phil felt awfully embarrassed. He felt even more so, when Clifton arrived to collect his own train.

"Not my finest moment..."

Phil whispered to himself, as Clifton snorted away, a smirk covering his face as he did so. He didn't need to say anything more. Phil knew exactly what he meant, and wasn't so thrilled about it.

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