| Dawning Reality |

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The weather was brutal today which added to the growing hunger I was feeling

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The weather was brutal today which added to the growing hunger I was feeling. The first ten days of Ramadan were never easy for her. The air conditioning broke down and the electricians were taking their sweet time to fix the problem.

That was how I ended up on the floor of the guest room I was occupying with Jamal resting on my chest, fast asleep. This was once my room and everything was in place because I never had much except my clothes to begin with.

My aunt has been cold ever since she found out that my marriage might be on the like. It was like I was suddenly brought back to the past before I even got married, before Zaheer even showed interest in me.

I won't call myself ugly and according to the little number of guys that approached me, I was fairly good looking. I never really had male attention growing up.

My friends got dozens of love letters and proposals and if I was lucky I'd get a direct message on instagram only to get ghosted after. The only thing that made it better was I never really cared that much for it until it started bothering me, and well my parents passing away.


I laughed covering my mouth preventing the food from spilling as Khalil continued. It was a week after his high school graduation and I decided to treat him to lunch. I came to find out the best way to get a nineteen year old is to bribe them with free food.

"It's not my fault. I clearly told her I wasn't interested but she kept pushing. What was I supposed to do?" He laughed dimples pulling in as he raised his hands in defense.

"That's not an excuse." I raised my voice news finger, disagreeing with him. He licked his lips looking down before looking back at me, looking hesitant.

"I want to talk to you about something." His face turned serious and so did I. Khalil was a goofy person in nature so anytime he turned serious, so did I.

"Okay what is it?" I urged. I don't know why he was acting like this because he told me everything including his first time. Not the details. Just told me and I was beyond proud and disgusted at the same time.

"I'm going to school in Russia." He informed making my lips curve into a smile and I was quick to reach across the table pulling him into a hug. He always wanted to get an admission there and he finally got it. I was beyond happy.

"That's great news! You don't seem to happy about it though." I pulled away tilting my head to the side.

"I am." Khalil was quick to defend.

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