| Hatred |

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AFTER MY HEATED ARGUMENT WITH ZAHEER, I holed myself in my room, that was until a knock sounded on my door and I planned to ignore it before I heard Jamal's babbles out my door

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AFTER MY HEATED ARGUMENT WITH ZAHEER, I holed myself in my room, that was until a knock sounded on my door and I planned to ignore it before I heard Jamal's babbles out my door. I jumped out of bed pulling the door open coming to face with Jamila wearing a hijab with Jamal resting on her hip.

Her eyes assessed me with worry as she took in my state and it dawned on me that I didn't care to fix my appearance. Feeling impatient to hold him in my arms i stretched my arms out and she took the hint handing him to me with a piercing gaze.

As soon as I held him, I pulled him to my chest closing my eyes. The pain was still present but holding him in my arms made me feel better, giving me a reason to live in this miserable world.

"Are you okay?" Jamila asked snapping me out of my daze as I fluttered my eyes open, meeting her confused ones.

"Yeah," I wiped my face consciously. "I just remembered my father, it was his birthday." I came up with a lie not bothering to smile because I didn't have it in me to.

She raised her brows in pity as she nodded, her eyes darting behind me before pinning them on me. "That's really sad, I'm sorry about that." She apologized and I only nodded, part of me wondering how it sad it was, not knowing what her husband was up to.

"Thank you." I choked out closing the door right after, my eyes stinging with tears just by looking at her and his face came to view almost immediately. It wasn't her fault nor was it right to slam the door in her face but I had to, I couldn't let anyone see me vulnerable. The last person I let in burned me with his fury.

I learned my lesson from him.


It still wasn't time to leave making me wonder what was the reason because the event was already over but I was wrong. I was sitting on a deserted loveseat in the spacious living room as various people chattered, not too loud but it still got to me.

My body froze when Mahmoud walked into the room with Jamila in tow. My muscles tensed as I unknowingly clutched Jamal tighter in my hold who yelped, trying to find some kind of comfort from the clueless toddler.

Jamila being the person she was approached me making my eyes widen in fear. My head whipped towards the door and i was already fleeing towards the entrance earning a confused look from Jamila.

I slipped into the vacant room stumbling my way towards a chair collapsing on the plush surface. Jamal crawled out of my arms and onto the sofa whilst I stood to my feet running a shaky hand over my hair.

It was only then I realized my body was shaking and I was quick to hold my trembling hand over the other. The door creaked open earning my attention as I whipped my head to the side, only to meet Mahmoud's mischievous eyes as he smiled sickly at my fear stricken face.

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