Chapter 17

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Kartik stirred from his sleep, the soft morning light filtering through the curtains. As his eyes fluttered open, he found himself enveloped in warmth, his senses instantly alert. Sara's arms were wrapped around him, her breath gentle against his neck. Kartik gazed at Sara's peaceful expression, a wave of tenderness washed over him. He knew that what he would want till the very end of his life. A gentle smile played over his lips as she tightened her grip in sleep. Both of them slept peacefully without any nightmare or discomfort after a long time.

He had never imagined himself in this situation, feeling protective about someone.There was something about Sara that drew him in, something he couldn't quite articulate. Carefully extricating himself from her embrace, Kartik sat. He leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to Sara's forehead, silently promising to be there for her. After getting ready, he sat beside her and woke her up by brushing her hair with his fingers.

They didn't talk about anything from last night. After having their breakfast, they started for their journey.

The drive to Sangla was a journey filled with unspoken tension between them. They sat side by side in silence barely touching each other shoulder. Outside, the landscape of the Himalayas stretched endlessly, its majestic beauty was merging with the turmoil within their hearts. The morning dew was shinning like diamonds around the nature and the wavey ways amidst the mountains, it was just perfect. Occasionally, Kartik stole glances at Sara, her profile etched against the backdrop of the mountains.

Sara was scrolling her Instagram. After their first appearance as a married couple in front of the paps outside their house, people were getting obsessed with them. They had created fan pages collaging their names together...Sartik...Sara giggled a bit seeing it. Kartik took a glance to her phone and saw some fanpages over her screen he had noticed earlier. He smiled shyly.

Sara was scrolling down the comments like

"We know they are gonna end up together"

"Manifesting it from the day the film was announced"

"Oh my goodness, they look magical"

"I knew they are gonna get married.I am crying!!"

"Nazar na lageee"

"How cute their babies will be!"

Sara's breathe hitched at the last comment and she quickly closed her phone. She stared outside but didn't know why she felt her cheeks warm as hell. Was she blushing? No no it's just the sunlight she convinced her mind.

They were enjoying the road but as the car navigated a tricky turn, a sudden jolt sent Sara lurching forward. A sharp stone had kicked up from the road, causing the car to swerve momentarily. In that heart-stopping moment, Kartik pulled Sara in his chest and became a shield for her. Sara buried her face in his chest in fear... Kartik shouted at the driver in anger but Sara calmed him down.

"Kartik it's ok..." She said brushing her fingers over his hand.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah I am"

Sara couldn't help but feel a surge of emotions threatening to overwhelm her fragile facade by Kartik's action. The realization that he was willing to bear the brunt of any danger, to shield her from any harm pierced through the walls she had carefully constructed around her heart.

As they entered Sangla, a little tea stall caught Sara's eye, its colorful umbrellas and inviting aroma beckoning to her weary soul. Despite the urgency of their journey, the allure of a steaming cup of tea proved too tempting to resist.

"Just a quick break, Kartik. We have time before the shoot. And besides, a cup of tea would do us good." Sara said making puppy eyes which he couldn't say no to.

Roses In The Dark🖤जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें