Part 9

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All of a sudden, a masked man jumps out of the bushes and throws a garbage bag over Tae's head. Then it turns black.

*A time later*

Now we have stopped. I was carried away. Kidnapped. I tried to resist, but it's not so easy when you're stuck in a garbage bag.

I was lifted up in what I think is a car because I felt it move. We drove for quite some time and then I was lifted up and carried away. In the car I was able to hold Tae's hand but then he disappeared. Now I no longer know where I am, or where Tae is.

I get thrown and land on my tailbone. It goes like a shock through my whole body and I scream. Tears escape my eyes, but since I have a garbage bag over me, no one will probably notice.

The garbage bag is pulled off and there is someone I recognize. Jin.

- Jin? Is it you? (me)

-Yes (Jin)

-Why am I here? (me)

-Honestly Amanda, I don't know. The guys wanted you here, so I obeyed, but I don't really know why. (jin)

-Okay...but please Jin, get me out of here, and let me see Tae. (me)

-Sigh, I don't know how to get you out, but I can arrange for you to meet Taehyung. (jin)

-Thank you (me)

-Will you be back soon? I don't want to be here by myself. (me)

-Yes (Jin)

He leaves the room and only then do I begin to observe where I am. In a room, quite luxurious. A double bed, a desk with two chairs, tv and a door to what I assume is a bathroom. The walls have a light pink color and the room gives me a sense of calm. My bag is in a corner. 

I run forward and dig up Doggy. He's the only one I know now, if you don't count Taehyung, but he's not here right now. I hug Doggy tightly and throw myself on the bed. Even if I'm kidnapped and in a random room, I seem to be pretty well taken care of. And I have Jin too. What is he even 

doing here?! But wait...he said something about the other guys. Does he mean the stalker guys? 

Crap!! I'm kidnapped by the stalker guys! HELP!!!

The door opens and Taehyung enters. I'm surprised he's not tied up or anything and none of the guys are there as guards.

-Hello! Are you okay! (me)

I run over and give him a hug. He hugs back and I smell the good smell of his perfume.

-Yes, I'm fine, how are you? (Tae)

-It's okay, my tailbone just sucks, Jin just dropped me on the floor rock hard (me)

-Ohhh!!! I'm gonna kill that bastard!! (Tae)

-No! Wait!! It was a mistake!! (me)

He turns away from me and runs off, probably to find Jin. Crap! It would be so unnecessary if he hurt Jin, it was surely by mistake that he let me go. Now I have to stop Tae before he kills Jin. Or damage anyway. Considering what he did to Jimin before, I don't doubt for a second what Taehyung can cause. But I have a question. How dare he go after completely unknown guys? His kidnapper too! Wow, that guy isn't afraid of anything.

A little further down the corridor I see that he has found Jin. He pushes him up against the cupboard and shouts:

-How dare you hurt her?!! How dare you?!!! SHE IS MINE!!!!!

Jin tries to stutter to explain, but before he can finish, Tae is in his face so hard that his eyes close. Jin's entire body relaxes and Taehyung drops him. The unconscious body hits the ground just as I arrive.

Amanda - English versionWhere stories live. Discover now