Part 3

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A tall and muscular guy is standing in the bushes staring at me. I recognize him from before. He wears black clothes and a black mask. Not exacly inviting. But despite this I step up to him.

-Who are you?! What do you want from me?!, I say in a bitchy voice.

My confidence has increased quite a bit in just a few hours, now that I realize they wouldn't hurt me. Hobi seemed to say something about them wanting to touch my hair. But one thing is for sure, these slobs must not be allowed to see my loose hair, or touch it for that matter.

-Umm...I'm JK. I just want to...uh...s-s-protect you...

-Protect me?! Then why are you following me!?

-There's dange-ehh I need protection...JK says while staring at me.

-No! I don't need your protection! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!

Then I turn again and run towards my friend Min El-Ine. She is called Ellie though. It is a more Swedishized version of her name. She looks at me in wonder, but I just shake my head. This is not something I want to talk about. Sometimes I'm like that, I lock up my feelings and don't talk to anyone about them, because it's so hard to open up. Hate when you tell everything and still get left behind. I kind of don't dare risk it. The only one I can completely trust is myself. I hope to find someone who I can trust 100% and who tells me everything.

In the middle of my thoughts, the bell rings. The first lesson starts in five minutes. Time to start walking. I like to be on time. Otherwise the stress comes, which I hate.

When I get out of school, I know one thing for sure: these guys will not destroy my day again!! I'll take another route to the bus stop and then they won't see me. I sneak around the school and through the teacher's parking lot. Then I sprint towards the bus stop, which is maybe 200 meters away. The lungs burn and the lactic acid in the legs pumps. It's a short distance, but if you sprint it's still hard. When I arrive, I lean forward with my hands on my knees. I shouldn't go out like this unnecessarily, I have asthma and it feels so unnecessary to trigger it.

- Hello biscuit, are you standing here crumbling?

I jump startled. A short guy with purple hair stands next to me and grins at me. I immediately recognize him from the group of guys. Damn!! Me who thought I got away. To avoid him, I go sideways. He should get the hint. But no, of course he comes after. Even though he's smaller than the others, this guy makes me a lot more uncomfortable. He grins at me and tries to touch my hair.

- Stop, I say, but I myself hear how weak and cowardly my voice sounds.He just laughs mockingly at me and grins.-As you wish...

He leans down and tries to kiss me. Help! I quickly back away. An aunt is standing some distance away at the stop. Can I ask her for help? Well, I'm not much of an extrovert, so I probably don't dare. The guy reaches out and touches my butt under the skirt. I jump away in fright. He paws too?! The bus doesn't leave for 5 minutes. I can't do this for five minutes. And when I try to walk away, he just follows. The aunt is the only option. I proceed carefully.

-Hello, excuse me madam, I say.-Yes young lady, she replies.I lean forward and whisper so the guy won't hear, he's standing behind us,:-Can you help me? The guy there is pawing at me and stalking me, but he won't stop when I ask him to.-Oh, gosh, ehh, yes, I'll help you.She steps slowly but firmly up to the guy.

-Excuse me, who are you?, she asks gruffly.

- My name is Park Jimin madam, he answers politely.

-I just heard from this adorable young lady that you are ravishing her and touching her in ways that make her uncomfortable. Is that so?! Guys like you disappoint me with your nonsense! You don't treat young women right!! How are you ever going to get a woman?! ... What do you have to say in your defense!?

-Ummm...excuse me m-m-ma'am. You must have misunderstood. I don't even know what this girl's name is...I think you got the wrong guy..

-Huh? No, those doubts-...oh now the bus is coming! Sorry young lady, but I have to catch this bus, the aunt tells me.

-No problem, t-ta-thanks for your help.

She smiles a cute smile at me. We both get on the bus, leaving Jimin at the bus stop. Lucky! They haven't started following me home after all.

But their behavior seems to be getting worse every day. Who knows what the guys will come up with tomorrow.?

Amanda - English versionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon