Part 5

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During the first lesson in the morning, the teacher tells us that we will have a new student in the class. She shouts that she should come in and a guy steps in. He has wavy black hair that reaches him to just above his shoulders. On his legs he has a pair of beige suit trousers and on his upper body a white shirt coat with a checkered vest over it. This guy's fashion is nothing to joke about. He actually looked good. The eyes were dark brown and the lips moderately large, he was also clean shaven. But I get the feeling I've seen him before, just don't know from where.

-This is our new classmate, Kim Taehyung. Taehyung, would you please introduce yourself to the class? says our teacher.

-Uhh my name is Kim Taehyung. I used to go to communal school but moved here now. Taehyung's voice sounds darker than I thought.

-Yes, sounds nice. You can sit next to Lee Sungjin over there, says the teacher, pointing.

Sungjin sits two benches away from me so Taehyung sits between us. He looks at me mockingly and settles down. He sits with his legs wide and his arms resting on the bench. I smile at him gently but he just looks away and starts talking to Sungjin instead. What a diss.

During the course of the lesson, he is extremely disruptive. All the time he snips my pen. Every time he makes me do a lot of weird faces to get it back and I suffer inside. But I like it too, attention from guys is not something I get often. But it bothers me a lot because I can't focus on the math numbers in the book. Every time I'm close to solving it, he takes the pen out of my hand and I freak out. He also steps on my toes all the time.

-Please Taehyung, can you stop, just for ten minutes? I beg him.-Okay, fanta.Omg! He has a nickname for me! Certainly an ugly and bad nickname. Yet! You only give nicknames to people you care about and want to be with. Does he want to be with me?- Fanta? Huh?, I ask.-Eh, I just mean, your hair, it's like fanta, orange.-Bruh, my hair is red, not orange, are you blind?!- Chill out girl, just kidding.

Fuck! I hate it when people tell me to chill. It makes me realize that I took up too much space. And I'd rather not know that. Even worse when they say they were joking but I thought they meant it.

At least I got the guy to shut up. Now I can work in peace. For like a minute. Then I hear his annoying voice again:-Fanta, can I feel your hair?, he asks and when I look over there, he makes puppy eyes.-Sure, go on, I reply.Taehyung reaches out and touches the hair at the bottom of my braid.- May I take it out?, he asks.- Well, not now, then I can't get home without being stopped a million times on the way. I'm like some kind of celebrity here, as soon as they see my hair down, everyone just wants to take pictures and touch, but I hate it.-So you've never let your hair out? (Taehyung)-Sometimes, when I'm at home, but usually not. It so hard to handle. (me)-But I want to see it (Taehyung)- Then you can come to my house sometime (me)- Preferably, shall we say on Saturday at ten? (Taehyung)

My heart shines. Is he serious? I said it as a joke, wasn't even worried because knew there was no chance. But he wants to come to my house? Now on Saturday? In two days!!? Do I even want him to come? Well, I want that, he's a good-looking guy, annoying like that, but outside of school maybe he'll be better? I should give him a chance.

-Ehhh, s-s-sure...(me)- Good, then we say so. (Taehyung)

He grins happily at me and then looks down at his math book. Finally! Now I can probably get some tasks done. But of course, the bell rings just then, and I've only done one math problem in the whole lesson. Ugh, bad! Stupid Taehyung! What a little shit!

I manage to avoid Taehyung all day but in my head he constantly reminds me. My cheeks heat up when I think about how he will come to my house on Saturday. What are we even supposed to do? Is he really just going to sit there and touch my hair? Probably not. So what does he want from me?

Outside the school gates are the boys as usual. I count from afar to seven and realize that there are two of these that I have yet to meet. As much as I loathe them, it would feel better with names so I can place them.

As I begin to approach, I see one of the guys break away from the others and walk away. Wonder where he's going. Immediately when I arrive, Yoongi speaks.-Hello Amanda?! Your braid is uglier than a dead fish. Also, your shoelaces are tied. You have to be a little proper.-And you know what Yoongi?! Your teeth are yellow and your jacket dirty. You must learn to be proper. My voice sounds strong and cocky when I speak but inside I am filled with a triumphant feeling. How brave I have become lately!

The guys start laughing at Yoongi. Not Jimin though, he just stands there silently grinning at me. Quite unpleasant.

- I'm just wondering one thing, what's your name?, I say and point to a tall guy far back in the group.-My name is SeokJin, but say Jin.-Where did the other guy go? (me)- I don't know, he was supposed to pee or something? (JK)-I didn't need to know that much, but thanks anyway (me)

Then I start walking towards the bus stop. How cocky I've become!! Real badass! Now Ellie and the others would be proud if they see me. I am completely alone with six guys and still dare to say what I think. I pat myself on the back. Nice work Amanda.

However, my courage drops in a second when I see Jimin walking after me. I hurry towards the bus stop. Nobody there. The tables say the next bus leaves in 7 minutes. Fuck it.-Hello little princess, Jimin says in a voice that sends shivers down my spine.-Can you go away?! (me)-I'll be leaving soon, but first I want you to help me with something...(Jimin)He takes his hands on my shoulders and pushes me up against the bus course wall...

Amanda - English versionWhere stories live. Discover now