Part 8

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-Hello Amanda?! What do you think you're doing?!... (dad)

I quickly tear myself away from Tae and turn to dad. He stands and stares at us with his mouth open. He has clearly lost his chin. It feels like minutes go by without anyone saying anything. Finally, Dad speaks:

-Young man, I think you should go, my daughter is 14 if you didn't know (Dad)

-But dad, Tae is also 14! (me)

- Look, that man is not 14! That's not what a 14-year-old looks like! (dad)

-But da- (me)

-It's okay Fanta, he's right, I'm not 14, I'm 17 (Tae)

-17?! You gotta be kidding!? She's not even old enough for pants!!!! (dad)

- But dad, I swear, we didn't do anything like that!! (me)

-You say so, but I'm not stupid, I understand what you were doing!! (dad)

-Excuse me mr. but I can promise you, we didn't do anything like that. (Tae)

-Mhm, that's what you say. Go now!! (dad)

-Okay, I'll go. (Tae)

I accompany him out. As we stand in the driveway, out of earshot of Dad, I dare to look at him again.

-Sorry. I didn't mean for it to be like this. (I)

-No danger. I'm glad I kissed you. (Tae)

My cheeks heat up and I can't stop the smile that spreads across my face. Tae turns and starts to leave. He's come around the corner when I find I can't let him go. I run after and throw myself around him. He turns and kisses me again.

-Goodbye (Tae)

-Goodbye (me)

Then I turn and leave. My whole inside is full of emotions, I have to think this through. But I don't make it far before dad stops me.

-We have to talk. (dad)

*2 hours later*

I lay down exhausted on my bed. The scolding my father gave me was exhausting. Worst of all, he was overprotective. Apparently I'm not allowed to "keep kissing guys", "date older guys", "get a bunch of STDs", "lie to him", "hang out with guys at his house", "break the rules", "let guys decide over me". Wow, what a drama queen he is. I wanted to kiss Tae. I was in on it. Dad thinks I'm a little girl who can't make her own decisions.

Sure, I'm really surprised that Tae turned out to be 17. But honestly, I don't really care. Age is just a number. I like him for who he is. But my idiot father doesn't understand that.

My cell phone rings. A text from Tae.

How was your father? Did you die?


Okay, but I thought about it, parents aren't supposed to do that. They should be supportive. You're not a

little baby.

See, he always does that! I hate it!!!

No one should control one like that!

Nah, but it's not just dad.

Who else?

Eh, don't think about it <3

Please say, you can trust me

Okay, but there's a bunch of guys, seven of them I think, who are kind of stalking me and stalking me and saying they're protecting me but I'm kind of scared. That guy you knocked down was one of them.

Okay. But you? I have an idea how to get away from your father.

Have you? What?

I say later. Pack a bag with your things and we'll see you outside the school in 45 minutes.


This feels shady. I'm not usually the girl who doesn't listen to her parents. Most of the time I am obedient and do as they say. But this can't hurt. What could he have planned? A road trip? School starts on Monday, but then of course I'll be back. Tae must too.

But wait?! Why is he 17 but in his first year of high school. WTF?! But now I can still ask him.

I pack the bag with several different things, a sweater, a pair of pants, underwear, brush, toothbrush, charger and Doggy. He is a stuffed dog that I can't sleep without. Heh. But I'll probably hide Doggy from Tae. We don't know each other that well. Than.

I leave the house without telling anyone where I am going. They don't deserve that. Shit parents who will control my life. I hate them. (right now).

I cycle all the way to school, it takes 20 minutes because I cycle at lightning speed. Don't ask how I can ride a bike faster than a bus, it's crazy, but I don't know.

When I arrive, Taehyung is already there. He has a car next to him. Can he really drive? He was only 17 right? Do you get a driver's license when you turn 18? I throw the bike on the ground and walk over to him.

All of a sudden, a masked man jumps out of the bushes and throws a garbage bag over Tae's head. Then it turns black.

Amanda - English versionWhere stories live. Discover now