Chapter 54

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I dropped the test, quickly turning in Niall's arms, and threw my arms around his neck. We both had huge smiles on our faces. I mean, you'd think we'd both be terrified, but, well, we weren't. 

I pulled back and smashed my lips to his. I pulled away after a long minute.

"You're going to be a dad." I said, the smile still firmly on my face.

"And you a mom." He repilied with that adorable Irish accent. I buried my face in his chest and we just stood there, him holding me and rubbing circles on my back.


We decided to head to the lake anyway. It was about a two hour drive, so by the time we got there it was almost lunch time

I laid out a large blue blanket and set up lunch as a picnic. As I finished, Niall sat down next to me, wrapping a protective arm around my waist. He quickly grabbed a large plate, filling it to the brim. I did the same. I was starving. 

As we finished, we laid back on the grass, my head resting on his bare chest. He had taken off his shirt and left himself in only his swim truncks a while ago. 

"This really won't be so bad, will it?" He asked, his voice vibrating underneath me.

"No. I don't think it will." I replied, a small smile creeping onto my face. 

"Good. So am I still allowed to do ... this?" He asked, rolling on top of me and tickling my sides. I immediately lost my breath, laughing as I tried to gain it back. When he was sure he had me down, he got up and ran into the lake.

"Oh, you're on, Horan!" I yelled once I regained my breath. I stripped down to my bikini and was about to run back to the lake when I felt wet arms around my torso. 

"You have no idea how hot that was." Niall whispered into my ear.

"So, me just changing into a bikini is hot to you? You're easy." I said, tilting my head back to look up at him.

He smirked.

"Yeah, well, everything you do is hot to me. You're gorgeous." He said again, giving me what strangly seemed like a spiderman kiss consitering our current position. 

Spontaniously, Niall pushed my legs out from under me, picking me up and ran back to the water.

"Niall!" I screamed. I knew what he was going to do, and he did it.

He threw me in. I quickly swam back up the surface.

This is a deep damn lake.

I treaded water as I watched him approach me slowly, a wicked grin on his face. I moved backwards, away from him. He dove into the water and pulled me under. I smiled at him under the water, my hair in waves around me. Reminded me of Ariel from the Little Mermaid. I hope my hair looked that cool...

His lips connected with mine, the coolness of the water still enveloping us. 


We spent the day just being kids again. Running around, swimming in the lake, messing with each other. It was good to just be ourselves again. 

It got dark around seven. The helecopter would be here in about two hours. I cleaned up the mess from dinner about a half hour before and fell back on the soft grass, covered by the blanket. Niall soon joined me, laying next to me and pulling me close. I rested my head on his chest and gazed up at the stars.

"They're beautiful." I commented. 

"Just like you." I blushed and smacked his chest lightly. He faked a hurt expression.


"You're so cheesy." 

"Might be from all that damn cheese I eat." I laughed at that. He did eat a lot of cheese. I mean, he ate a lot of food in general. 

We relaxed again and I realized that I had unconciously rested my hand on my stomach protectively. Niall noticed too, and he placed his hand on top of mine.

"It's our baby, Jess." He whispered, pressing a kiss to my temple. "And it's gonna be amazing." 


Author's Note

Sorry for the short chapter!!!!!!

But O.M.G she's pregnant. Avery, you predicted it. But SHUSH. xD

Anyway, your comments and stuff made my day, really. Like, I cried. I didn't know so many people loved this story :,)

Okay, wells, I LOVE YOU.


If your Christian. If not, well, HAPPY SUNDAY. Whatever.



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