Chapter 42

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My body betrayed me and for a moment I kissed him back. But I realized who he was and what he had done and I pushed him away from me. He looked hurt, but didn't say anything.

I opened my door and got out, leaving my converse in the car. I stepped out in the sand and instantly relaxed, feeling the sand between my toes. I heard the door of my truck close and I moved to the wake.

Niall's arms came around my waist and held me tightly. I struggled to get away, but he wouldn't let me go.

"Let go of me, Niall." I commanded, but he didn't let up.

"You're going to listen to me." 

"Listen to you!?" I pushed out of his arms, but he didn't let me get far. I turned to face him and his hands rested on my hips. I swatted at them, but they didn't move. 

"I've listened enough. I'm tired of giving in! I'm tired of loving you and giving you everything just so you can turn around and be with that bitch!" A tear was running down my face now, and I quickly wiped it away. He pulled me in and kissed me again. I pushed on his chest and jerked my head away.

"You can't just kiss it away, dammit! That's your answer for everything!" I felt another tear fall, but I didn't wipe it away. I didn't have the energy. I fell to the sand.

"Just leave me alone. We're done." I said quietly. I glanced at the ring and took a deep breath before slipping it off of my finger. I held it up to him, but he refused it.

"It's yours. I'll never give up on you, Jessica. You just always seem to come in at the wrong time." I scoffed.

"I love you. From the moment I saw you I knew it. And truthfully, what we have, what I feel for you, is more than love. I'm not even sure there's a word for it." He set his hand on mine.

Then he started to sing:

                                          "And you can tell everybody, 

                                           This is your song.

                                           It may be quite simple but,

                                           Now that it's done.

                                           I hope you don't mind,

                                           I hope you don't mind,

                                           That I put down in words,

                                           How wonderful life is,

                                           Now that you're in the world." 

"It really is wonderful that you're in my world, Jessica." He whispered. Tears were falling like rain from my eyes. I couldn't seem to stop. His voice was beautiful and raspy, deep and perfect.

"Elton John..." I said quietly.

"Yes. An amazing artist, who I know is also one of your favorites." I glanced at him, surprised he remembered from one of the late night conversations we had.

"I remembered everything, dearie." I let him pull me into him. Did I have the heart to forgive him? 

I drifted off to sleep listening to him quietly sing one of the verses:

                                           "Anyway, the thing is,

                                           What I really mean,

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