Chapter 32

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I awoke in the same position I fell asleep in. Niall's arms were around me and he was still deep inside me. He was breathing deep and evenly, so I slipped away from him and headed for the bathroom. After washing my face and doing my business, I headed for the front door to check the weather as I did every morning. As I unlocked the door, I glanced at the floor and saw another blank envelope like the one from last night.

My breath caught as I picked it up.

The note said "Get it on while you can." Tears filled my eyes but I blinked them away. I opened the envelope and the picture that slipped out was of Niall's head between my legs the night before. My hands were fisted in his hair and my eyes were closed tight. It was a close picture, and it looked like it was taken right outside the window. I glanced up at the living room window and realized it was in perfect view of the couch. 

I gasped and covered my mouth as the tears fell. Someone was watching us last night. Niall woke and sat up. He saw me standing shocked. He bolted over to me and hugged me tight.

"What is it? Jessica, what's wrong?" He asked urgently as he searched my face. That's when he saw the envelope in my hands. He took it from me and read it. I sank to the floor and covered my face. I heard him let out a large breath quietly before his arms came around me again.

"Shhh, it's okay. I'll find this guy, I promise." He tried to comfort me but it wasn't working. I was shaken up. Someone was stalking me.

"What's it mean, Niall?" I whispered. "What does the note mean?"

He sighed before answering.

"I don't know baby. I don't know."


He held me like that for a few minutes before I stood and got dressed.

"I can't stand around while this bastard runs free." I said to him while he pulled on his pants.

"Let me take care of him, Jess. You go to school. I'll drive you."

"You have class too, Niall." I stated. He glanced up at me.

"I'm also a world famous popstar and I will use that to my advantage. I can skip a few classes." That wasn't what I wanted to hear. I wanted him to go with me. I didn't want to be alone.

"Hey, baby." He came over and hugged me. "Have Austin and the boys sit with you. I still don't like Austin, but he's your friend. He'll protect you."

"What if they get a picture of that and take it the wrong way? Niall we have to be careful."

"I know baby."


Niall dropped me off for class. No matter how much I didn't want to go, I managed to find my seat and sit down. Grace and Liam came and sat with me.

"Niall texted me. Told me to come sit with you. Is everything okay?" Liam asked me, leaning over Grace to see me.

"I'm fine. Thanks." I said dully. I could tell he didn't believe me, but I didn't care. I just wanted to go home and hide.


After class, Liam and Grace gave me a ride home. I headed for my room and was curled up on my bed with my textbook in front of me when my mom knocked on the door.

"Hey, sweetie. This just came for you." She handed me an envelope with my name printed on it. My eyes widened as I took it from her.

"Are you okay, Jessica?" She asked. I glanced up at her.

"Yeah, fine." I said. She left the room.

Before I opened it, I grabbed my phone and sent a text to Niall.

To: Niall Horan

I got another one. Come over here.

I dropped my phone and picked up the envelope. Here goes nothing. I slit the top and pulled out the note.

"Looks like lover boy changed his mind." What the hell?

The picture fell out. It was of Niall holding a redhead's hand. Angel. Tears spilled over for the second time today as I let the picture float to the bed. Angel was back? That picture was taken this morning. Niall was wearing the clothes I threw him. I'm sure there was an explanation. There had to be.


Niall showed up a few minutes after I opened the envelope. He immediately came over and put his arms around me before he even glanced at the picture. 

"That bastard." He muttered.

"So.. You saw Angel." I said flatly.

"Yeah... She found me as I was heading back to my flat. She grabbed my hand and tried to talk to me, but I blew her off. I had more important things on my mind." He replied. 

"He's going to torture us, Niall. And I don't know why." My voice broke and he took me in his arms.

"Next time you get one of these envelopes, don't touch it. I'm getting this guy caught, and I'm doing it soon." His voice was angry. I couldn't stand to see him like that. I pressed my lips to him in a gentle kiss to calm him. It worked, because soon it became harder and he pushed me back against the pillows.

His hand wandered my body as his mouth explored mine. After a while, he pulled back and looked at me. 

"Come with me." He said as he pulled me up.


"To the beach. It's the only place I can think anymore." He grinned at me, obviously referring to the memories. I let him lead me out to the car.

When we arrived at the beach, I slipped off my Toms and left them in the car. We walked down to the water, hand in hand and sat down.

"I'm going to catch this sadistic asshole, Jessica. If it's the last thing I do." I gasped at that and grabbed his hand.

"It will not be the last thing you do, Niall." I said firmly. "He'll get caught. I know it. We just have to pull through. We can't let the pictures and messages get to us." 

He pulled me over and kissed me.

"I won't if you won't." He said.

"Never." He kissed me again and we sat, watching the sun, water and animals with hands entwined.


Author's Note

Ohhh, suspense! 

Y'all better love me, consitering I've updated like, five times today.

SO WHAT'CHA THINK SO FAR? Stalkerrrrrrrr.

I don't know, my brain kinda took a weird turn and this is where we ended up. So let's keep going and see where it leads, okay? 


I love you all.

Your comments make my nights.

No joke.



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