Chapter 8

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I sat on my bed, wondering what could have happened to make me kiss Niall like that. I mean, sure, he was good looking. 

Okay, well good looking was definitely an understatment. But still! I was with Austin. NOT Niall. I couldn't do this to him! I got up and went to my desk, pulling out a paper and pencil. I was going to write down all my feelings for each one of them. 

Austin first. 

Austin was sweet. He was caring, and I've known him most of my life. He played football and his favourite colour was blue, just like mine. He was super romantic and gentle, and he was an amazing kisser. 

As I wrote this down I began to think. What if I didn't like Austin as much as I thought? Sure, he was sweet and caring, but like I said, I had known him most of my life. I thought back to the few kisses we'd shared within the last two months, after meeting Niall. 

I gasped.

I hadn't felt anything. Nothing. During those kisses, it was like kissing my brother. My eyes were tearing up now, threatening to spill. Why hadn't I realized this before!? I didn't like Austin. I liked Niall.

But HOW!? He was aggressive. And mean. And demanding. Everything that shouldn't attract me to him. So why did it do just that? I thought about the make-out session in the car. My tears leaked out. I had felt something for him then. There were butterflies in my stomach as I realized it.

I was falling for Niall Horan.


I reached around the blankets for my phone, which was vibrating violently. Who in their right mind called at - I glanced at the clock. 2:30am!? I grabbed my phone, which still vibrated in my hand, and put it up to my ear, not even checking the caller ID. 

"Hello, Beautiful." A rich, deep voice said.

This greeting woke me up. I shot straight up in bed. I reconized that voice. The deep, sexy sound of it. Niall.

"Hi, Niall." I replied, wondering what he wanted this late.

"I was just calling to tell you. I'm picking you up at nine tonight. For a date. Be ready." With that, he hung up, not giving me a chance to retaliate.

A date? With Niall Horon? I sighed. It looked like I didn't even have a choice. But did I really want to say no?


All day, I was focusing on how to look perfect for tonight. I'd never been on a first date like this before. I mean, sure, I went out with Austin a few times, but never like this. I felt like I needed to impress Niall. 

My room was strewn with clothes. It was only 3:00pm. My phone buzzed.

From: Niall Horan

I'm taking you somewhere fancy. Wear a dress. And look sexy.

A dress. Somewhere fancy? What's that supposed to mean? A resturant? Dance club? I was curious now. I ran back over to my closet, and was in the process of pulling out all the dresses I owned when Ana walked through the door. I had texted her last night about what Niall had said. 

"Oh, dear. Are we nervous or did I miss the tornado warning?" She smirked as she took in my messy room. 

"Oh shut up. I need to find something to wear!" I started digging through the thin pile. I wasn't a big "dress" girl. Therefore, I owned practically none. I groaned.

Ana grabbed my wrist, pulling me out the door. "Come on. We're going shopping." I didn't object, since I had no other choices.


After what seemed like hours, we were home safe. I glanced at the clock. 5:00pm. I still had four hours. Ana had helped me pick out a gorgeous, but not too over-the-top, dress for tonight. It looked amazing on me and made my blue eyes pop more than they usually did.

I hugged her tightly before she left, thanking her again for manhandling me out of the house.

Then I rushed to the bathroom to finish getting perfect. 

I really couldn't wait for this date.


Author's Note

On the side is Ana. Isn't she perty? ;D


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