Chapter 45

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Author's Note

GUYS I'M NOT DEAD! Yayyyy!!!

So sorry it took so long. My hotel DID have wifi, but, being the moronic idiot I am, I FORGOT MY COMPUTER. I'm so freaking smart. 

OKAY well anyway. 

I hope you guys still enjoy the story. I promise never to be gone for five days again because I know that drives people CRAZY!

But I had fun.


Okay, lotso' love<3



I quickly pushed him away and scrambled away from him.

"What the fuck!?" I screamed. Yes, I cussed. I sooooo wasn't in the mood.

"I--Uh." He looked confused. "I'm sorry." He finally said.

"Bullshit. You bastards probably planned this! Is that why I'm here? So you can have your happily ever after by stealing another's girl?" He didn't reply, but I could see the guilt on his face.

"Get me out of here, Matt." I said. I didn't want to be near him or his dad, but I could live long enough to get out of the house. He stood and nodded. 

Well that was easy.

I grabbed my jacket and followed him out the door. No one was home; probably to give us some 'privacy'. God I'm disgusted. He opened the front door and led me to a mercedez parked in the drive. He handed me the keys.

"Go. I'm sorry." I looked into his tear-filled eyes and instantly felt regret for yelling at him. Damn my good heart. I hugged him. 

"Thank you." I whispered before getting in the car and starting my probably very long journey back to Niall's arms.


~Niall's POV~

I ran a hand through my hair as I paced next to the table. The map sitting on top of it told me nothing of where Jessica could be. This was difficult and I was scared to death.

What if they killed her?

What if they raped her?

What if they never let me see her again?

What if's had gone through my head over and over for the past four days. She'd been gone so long. Anything could have happened. I collapsed on the couch and cried for the fourth time that day. I needed her back. I couldn't live with myself if something happened to her. She had such a sweet heart, and she didn't deserve any of the shit I put her through. Between Angel, Jason, Jared and me in general, her life was a living hell. All because of me.

I heard the door open and stood, expecting to face Jared. When I turned though, I saw Jessica standing in the archway. I stood my ground for fear of hallucinating. She couldn't be here. It wasn't possible. I hadn't realized how close I was to giving up.

"Niall." She breathed. That did it. I jumped over the couch seperating us and picked her up in my arms, squeezing her tightly.

~Jessica's POV~

I walked in the door to see Niall with his head in his hands. As soon as the door closed, he stood and faced me. Tears were running down his face but he was frozen, staring at me with an unbelieveable look. 

"Niall." I whispered, and he immedietely jumped over the couch and took me in a tight hug.

"You're here. You're alive." He whispered in my hair as he kissed my temple. He slowly put me down, never letting go of my hands.

"Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" I shook my head. Should I tell him about Matt? About what they did have in mind as Niall's payment? He could see the indecision on my face.

"Dearie what happened?" He stared into my eyes, and I knew I had to tell him.

"You should sit down for this. And maybe grab hold of a pillow or something to take your anger out on." I knew he was going to get mad-- No, wait, mad was an understatment. Furious was more like it.

He slowly sat down on the couch, pulling me with him. I handed him a pillow but he pushed it away before pulling me closer to him. I leaned my head on his chest. It was just so nice being with him again. I felt his heartbeat against my head and sighed, knowing I'd have to ruin this moment. I looked up at him before sitting up and told him, short and blank.

"Jared... He had a son. He put us in a room together and, well, he kissed me." I felt his grip tighten around me. "I pushed him off right away and demanded to be let go. He gave me keys to a mercedez and that was it." I looked up at his face and could practically feel the fury coming off of him. I gently placed my hand on his cheek and made him look down at me.

"I needed to see you again. I had to make sure you were okay." I said softly before I leaned in and kissed him. He let out his fury and love into the delicate kiss, letting me know he was okay. That everything would be okay. I pulled back.

"I'm just glad you're okay." He said, pulling me closer. "I'm never letting you go again." 

I rested my head on his chest again. I never wanted to leave him. 

"I love you." I whispered before falling into a blissful sleep.

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