Chapter 43

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The wedding was in full swing. Ana was rushing me around from bridal stores to boutiques to venues. We had decided on a March sunset wedding, only three months away. March 4, to be exact. I guess Ana didn't want me backing out.

We finished looking at my precious white roses (I always said I would never get married without white roses. They were too gorgeous.), and we made our way to a bridal gown shop. 

"It's time you found your dress." Ana said as we walked along the busy streets.

"Can't I just wear a sundress and converse?" I wasn't one for dressing in a large, heavy dress in which I'd have to wear all night. Night gowns and simple dresses that I wear for an hour, well that's different.

"No!" She gasped. She seemed surprised. "Converse and a dress is tacky, Jess! And you can't wear a sundress to a wedding!" She shook her head and walked on, causing me to smirk. 

"I don't see the problem." I replied as she pushed open the door to the shop. White surrounded me. White flowers, white couches, white desks, white tables, white walls, white floors, white EVERYTHING. 

"Welcome to Jackson's Bridal's. How can I help you?" She asked as she sized me up. 

"Here to find a dress." Ana answered for me. I rolled my eyes and smiled at the woman. She gestured us through an archway to a big showing room. There was a changing room across from the arch and a dress room to the right of me. On the left was a large three-way mirror, and in the center was a large white couch. 

"Well, great." I muttered. The woman described everything to us, letting us know where everything was. 

"I'll be right back, I'm going to enter your names in and help another customer. Feel free to check out the dresses!" She said cheerfully before leaving us in the room. Ana settled on the couch.

"Well?" She gestured to the room full of white dresses. I sighed and made my way inside. There were dresses on every wall, some frilly, some sleek. I wanted plain and simple, I was sure of that. I looked through the dresses and found a few that were absolutely gorgeous. I tried on a bunch, and mostly I agreed with Ana about something being wrong with them; they're too long, they're too cluttered, they're too puffy, things like that. 

One hanging up behind a large ruffled one that I would never touch in this lifetime caught my eye. I slipped it on and walked out to the mirror.

Ana gasped behind me. 

"That's gorgeous!" She exclaimed as she stood and came around behind me. The dress was a straight top with gems lining the top. It was long and sleek, and had a slight train behind me. There was a grayish-purple glint to the jewels. I was instantly in love with it.

"This is it." I said. She nodded her head in agreement. Simple, but gorgeous. The woman who had helped us before came in.

"Did you find any you liked?" She said smiling and glancing at the one I had on. She went to tell me how it fit and everything.

"This looks perfect on you." She commented. I nodded and smiled.

"I'll take it." I said as Ana squealed in happiness.


I was setting dinner on the table when I heard the door close. Niall didn't know I was here; I wanted to surprise him. It was Christmas eve, after all. I stood next to the table with his present hidden in the chair next to me. He opened the door and and glanced at me before headed for the fridge. He stopped suddenly and turned. 

"Hi." I said, smiling. His tired face immediately brightened as he made his way to me. He picked me up in a warm hug and spun me before planting a kiss on my mouth. I giggled.

"You're here." He hummed. 

"Of course. No one deserves to spend Christmas Eve alone." He smiled down at me. 

"You really do have the best heart." He whispered as he kissed my forehead.

"Sit. Eat." I instructed, and he did as he was told. 


After dinner we curled up on the couch and turned on A Christmas Carol. I rested my head on his chest with his arm draped around my shoulders, and our hands entwined in his lap. He was playing with my fingers and the ring on them.

"Have you decided when?" He asked. 

"March 4." He glanced down at me, surprised it was so soon. "Ana." I said, and he nodded in understandment. He kissed my temple.

"I'll always love you, dearie." He said quietly. I was about to reply when the front door opened with a bang. Niall and I jumped up, but he instantly pushed me behind him. A man I had never seen before entered and faced us.

"Niall, you son of a--" He cut off when he saw me. He approached, and I moved backwards until my back hit the wall. 

"Now who do we have here."

"Don't touch her, Jared." Niall growled. The man, Jared, glanced back at Niall, who had been restrained by two large men, before placing his hand on my cheek. He reeked of smoke. I crinkled my nose and turned my head away. Jared chuckled.

"You know, I was just going to beat the money out of you..." Jared started. Money? What money? I glanced at Niall in confusion, but his eyes were set on Jared. "But I think I'll take her instead." My heard sped up. 

"Wh-What?" I stuttered quietly. Jared looked down at me, his towering 6'5" height looming over me. 

"Oh, she speaks. And what a beautiful voice she has." He said.

"No!" Niall yelled. Jared laughed again before picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. I screamed the same time Niall yelled for me. My eyes met his the second before one of the men holding him punched him in the gut. He doubled over in pain.

"Niall!" I yelled as I pounded on the large man's back. His grip only tightened around my waist. Niall's eyes met mine again and he mouthed "I love you." My struggling stopped and I mouthed back, "I love you."

A tear fell down my cheek as Jared walked out the door.

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