Chapter 15

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Niall dropped me off at home. I didn't bother looking at him as I jumped down from the car, and he didn't care. I needed to call Ana. That's all that was on my mind as I ran upstairs to my room.

"Hello?" She sounded annoyed. I glanced at the clock. 7:00pm. She just got off work.

"Hey, gorgeous. Come over, please?" I choked out. I was on the verge of tears and you could hear it in my voice. Ana didn't ask any questions.

"Be right over." She hung up and I smiled to myself. I could always count on her.


I was sprawled out on my bed when Ana barged in the door carrying a Walmart bag. She dropped it on my stomach; It was freezing.

"What the hell!?" I jumped, pushing the bag off.

"Ice cream. You sounded like you were about to start sobbing on the phone." She plopped down on the bed. "Now talk." 

I told her everything. I told her about Niall and his violence, about what happened at his house, outside the club, in the record store. Everything. 

When I was finished, she was speechless. She silently stood up, grabbed her purse and headed for the door. 

"Ana?" I questioned, not knowing what she was heading to do. She could be going to kill the man for all I knew.

"I'm going to kill this bastartd."She stated, not looking back at me but not moving forward either. Told you so.

"Ana, don't, Sure he deserves it, but I think Niall did a--" 

"Not that guy. He's had enough. No, I'm talking about Niall." She started towards the door again. I was so not expecting that. I jumped up, suddenly feeling so much better.

"Ana, no!" I grabbed her arm, pulling her back. She glared at me.

"And why not? He acts like he's freaking in love with you, but he can't protect you in the smallest problems? He can't make sure you get home safe, or not piss you off enough to make you run away? I know you, Jess. And you don't trust easily. Consitering you trust him this much, and he's broken it at least twice, he's going to hurt you." She looked me in the eyes. Her light brown had no trace of the usual sparkle in them, but was instead full of sorrow.

She was scared for me.

I hugged her tightly. "Thank you so much, Anas. But really, Niall hasn't lost my trust. Sure, I trusted him easier than most people, but that's because I know he won't betray it." The tensness in her shoulders finally relaxed. She wasn't going anywhere.

"Now come on. Eat ice cream and watch nerdy movies with me." I begged, going over to the flat screen and starting Pirates of the Caribbean. She sighed and fell onto my bed. 

"Only because Johnny Depp is my one true love. ONLY." She said, slightly smiling. She glanced at me and we both burst out laughing.


By the end of the second Pirates movie, we both were sound asleep. Last I remember, Jack was prancing around singing "I've got a jar of dirt, I've got a jar of dirt." Yeah, still my favorite scene in the movie.

I was in the middle of the weirdest dream about Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom dancing, surrounded by dirt (don't ask) when my phone rang, waking me up. I felt across the comforter finally finding it and holding it up to my face. 

I pulled it away quickly. Ah. Too bright. 

I glanced at the screen. Niall. I shut the phone off without looking at the message. I couldn't deal with him right now. I was finally spending time with my best friend, who I had ignored for like, weeks. I need my time right now.

I finally got comfortable again and was almost asleep when a hand was shaking me awake. 

"Jessica. Jessica!" A rough Irish voice whispered. Ugh, why couldn't he leave me alone!?

I groaned, turning over and shoving a pillow over my head. Maybe he'll go away.

No such luck.

I felt him pick me up and carry me towards the stairs. I screeched slightly, suprised at the sudden movement. I looked up at his face, wide-eyed, silently demanding him to put me down. He didn't look at me.

He finally threw me on the couch. I scrambled to a sitting position as I watched him pace in front of me.

"Niall...?" I asked slowly. He was starting to scare me with his strange behavior. He stopped and sat next to me, running his hands through his hair.

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?" I was confused. This wasn't like him. He was supposed to be the big, strong, protective ... well, guy. Wasn't he? 

He looked at me. "I'm sorry for everything. For scaring you. For not being there for you." He had tears in his eyes that he was trying to hold in. A tear escaped my eye. 

Why was he apologizing? He did nothing wrong. Sure he scared me a few times, but he was always there for me. There was never a time he wasn't. I put my hand lightly on his arm, scooting closer to him.

"Niall, you did absolutely nothing wrong. Don't say sorry." I said, wiping a tear away from his cheek. I couldn't stand to watch him cry. He was always so strong.

I wrapped my arms around his torso, leaning my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

The last thing I heard before I fell into sweet bliss was the three words every girl dreamed of hearing. Every girl but me.

"I love you."


Author's Note

Hey guise!!! To know you guys are reading this is really the best feeling, like, ever. Since this is my first fanfic I was kinda nervous to post it and such. 

Comment feedback, vote, read it, love it! 

Thanks, you wonderful smiley people<3


~Dedication to Pilar1209 because she is my absolute best friend, and Ana is based off of her. She gave me the idea for a few of these chapters and I just wanna say I love you, gorgeous<3

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