Chapter 19

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I woke up exactly how I fell asleep; with Niall's arms around me and him breathing evenly and heavily on my neck. I smiled before scooting silently out of his arms. I quietly slipped into the kitchen and opened the fridge. It was full of... well everything. I searched through the shelves, moving aside cartons of chinese and random tubes of ice cream until I found the breakfast supplies I knew he had.

As soon as I set the last plate down, Niall waltzed in. It was like he had an alarm for whenever food was ready. I closed the distance between us but he walked right past me, sat down and started eating. 

"Well, good morning." I said. He grumbled in response, not even looking back at me. I turned slowly and walked out the kitchen, into the hallway. I was reading too much into it, I just knew it. But I felt like he was pulling away after last night. I hurried into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I looked normal. Sure, a little sleep-deprived, but normal just the same. What was his deal?

I turned to see Niall standing in the doorway. He avoided my eyes, so I pushed past him and into the bedroom. He slammed the door behind him, and I let the tears fall. What had I done? I know I was a little inexperienced but come on. The silent treatment? That was immature.

I grabbed my bag and made my way to the door, wiping my eyes as I pulled it open and stepped out into the winder morning. The sky was covered in gray clouds, signaling rain to come. I pulled my jacket tighter around me before making my way down the drive and to my house. 

I made my way up to the door with no problems. I pulled out my keys, dropping them on the steps. I wiped my eyes again, trying and failing to wipe away the tears that blinded me, and bent down to retrieve the key ring. 

Large hands wrapped around my hips and I snapped back up, hitting my attacker in the nose with the back of my head. One of his hands left my hip and reached up to cover my mouth while the other wrapped tighter around my waist. I could feel a cloth in the lower hand, pressing against my skin, and I knew exactly who it was. Jason. God, what did this guy want!? 

"Hey baby, you know better than to run away." He whispered in my ear as he held my head tightly against his chest. His lips moved down my neck, kissing me harshly. I struggled against him, causing him to tighten his grip around me and take the cloth in his other hand.

"I didn't want to do this but..." was the last thing I heard before he pressed it to my nose and I fell in his arms.


I awoke on a bed with a throbbing headache. I groaned and rolled over, feeling for my phone. When I couldn't find it, I shot up in bed, only to bother my head and make it throb even more. I glanced around, taking in the bare room. There was a small dresser in the corner, and two nightstands on either side of the king-sized bed I was laying on. The walls were white, with one deep blue opposite the bed. A small door which revealed a bathroom, but that was it.

I threw my legs over the bed and rubbed my temples. That's when I realized I was only in spanks and a black tank-top. I grabbed the thick blanket and covered myself right as the door unlocked and opened. 

"Baby, you're awake." Jason walked in grinning. He was wearing blue sweatpants, showing off his defined abs and muscular chest. The man wasn't bad looking. But he was sick.

He closed the door behind him and made his way towards me slowly, watching me watch him. He drank me in, looking me up and down a few times.

"Drop the blanket, Jessica." He growled. I shook my head slightly, my eyes not leaving his. His grin fell as he took the last few steps before he slapped me. Hard. Tears sprang to my eyes as I held my cheek and faced away from him. 

"Oh, Jessica, babe I'm so sorry." He sounded almost sincere. "You know better than to anger me. It isn't safe for you." I returned my gaze to him, hoping my eyes didn't show my fear. He sat down next to me and snaked his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him and out of the confinds of the covers. I felt almost naked, and I hated it. 

His eyes traveled down my body, stopping at my chest and again at the space between my legs, before moving back up to my eyes. 

"You're so beautiful. You're eyes are as blue as the deep sea, and your lips... so pink and full." He whispered, running his thumb over my lips as he spoke. I turned away and he dropped his hand on my thigh before squeezing slightly. I jumped and returned my gaze to him. 

"Why am I here, Jason?" I said, suprised that my voice sounded so strong. 

He seemed suprised, like he thought I knew. "I love you. That' why." I coughed on my breath, suprised by his bluntness. "Babe, are you okay?" He moved his hand to my back as I regained my breath, breathing deeply.

"N-no you don't." I stuttered. 

"You want me to prove it? Is that a suggestion, my love?" I cringed at the use of the name Niall had just called me last night. He probably didn't care where I was, or that I left. I glanced at Jason and saw the desire in his eyes. 

He took my silence as a yes, grinning wickedly and leaning over me, moving in to kiss my deeply. He ran his tongue across the seam of my lips, begging for the entrance I wouldn't give. He pushed in, devouring my mouth, licking every part of me. I refused to kiss back, keeping Niall in my head. Although the way he acted this morning bothered me, I loved him. I wasn't giving up. His harsh kisses moved to my neck.

Jason's hands ran down my body, cupping my breasts and squeezing tightly as he pushed his hips in between my legs. I cried out loudly, begging someone to hear me, but it didn't faze him. He pushed his hips against me, letting me feel him while he practically dry-humped me. His hands moved down to the hem of my top, slowly pushing it up as his kisses moved lower, to my chest. 

I lost my fight. I didn't have the energy to struggle against him anymore. He was holding me down and barely letting me move. 

"You submit now, eh? I think I like this side of you better, baby. All the fight is tiring." He whispered against my chest before continued downward. His hands moved between my legs, moving slowly up my inner thighs before he pushed both his thumbs against me hard. I gasped in pain. His thumbs moved up and down against me, pushing harder and harder. Tears sprang to my eyes as I tried to keep myself from crying out in pain. 

His lips soon found my navel, and he nipped the sensitive skin around it. I tensed, and he pushed against my entrance harder, leaving his fingers pressed against me. I cried out again, louder, and the bedroom door flew open.

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