Chapter 14

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It was late morning before I finally opened my eyes. I glanced around, smiling when I realized I was in Niall's room. I put everything that happened yesterday out of my mind. I thought about how I felt falling asleep in Niall's arms. Something seemed off, like I couldn't remember something from last night. Something about Niall... I brushed it off. If it was that important I would have remembered. 

I heard rummaging in the kitchen, so I got up and followed the noise. Walking into the kitchen, I saw Niall with his head in the stuffed-full fridge. I giggled. Apparently he liked food. That was good to know. 

Niall turned quickly, bumping his head on the fridge door.

"Oww." He whispered, rubbing the back of his head before glancing at me. "You're awake." I smiled and made my way over to him.

"Do you need that checked out? Looks like a nasty bump." I said, trying to get a rise out of him. His eyes widened a little and he felt his hair again. It was still messy from sleep, and him running his hand through it made it even more sexy. 

That's when I noticed he wasn't wearing a shirt, but only low-rise sweatpants. My gaze raked his torso.

He chuckled. "Like what you see, dearie?" he asked, smirking. I quickly returned my gaze to his eyes and smacked him lightly on the stomach. Rock solid. I quietly gasped. 

"I-I didn't know you were so-so..." I stuttered. It was hard to talk with him standing before me like this.

"So... muscular? Hot? Sexually attractive?" He whispered the last in my ear and I blushed, turning my head away. His hand snaked up and cupped my cheek, forcing me to look at him. He stared into my eyes.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered before claiming my mouth with his. His tounge begged for entrance and I granted it. His hand moved to the back of my head, cupping it into him, and he pushed me back against the counter. His kisses moved down my neck, getting sloppier as he got more desperate.

That scared me.

I pushed him back, cowering against the counter. Memory triggers. When he kissed my neck, it was almost exactly like the man had. 

Niall looked at me with confused eyes. "Jessica...?"

I couldn't meet his eyes. I wanted to kiss him. To make all my bad memories go away. But I was too afraid. "I-I'm sorry... Your kiss... It was just so much l-like..." My sentence broke off when my eyes spilled tears.

"Oh, dearie, baby I'm so sorry." He came and held me close, comforting me. I didn't want to be like this anymore. I didn't want to be so frightened by the smallest things.

I finally stopped crying and glanced at a clock. 1:00pm. I had to go. I had work at 2:00pm. 

"Let me drive you to work." He spoke before I could. I glanced up at him, seeing the frightened boy I loved. I nodded, letting him lead me out to the car. 

"I'll be right back. I'm just going to grab your purse, okay?" He reassured me. I didn't want him to leave, but I didn't want to seem like a little girl in need of a babysitter either. He ran back inside. 

I waited for him to come back out, knowing it would only be a few minutes. I glanced around the street, and thats when I spotted him. The man. From last night. He was standing on the other side of the street, about a hundred meters away. And he was walking towards me. 

I opened my mouth to scream, but no sound came out. The man walked faster until suddenly he jumped into a large bush, about fifty meters away.

Niall opened the door and hopped in. He glanced at me and immedietly stopped.

"Jessica what's wrong." 

"Nothing. Don't worry about me." I attempted to smile at him, and although he didn't believe me, he dropped it and pulled out onto the road. I glanced in the side mirror and saw the man step out from behind the bush, watching us go.


I sat behind the counter at work. There was barely anyone in the shop and the only other employee, Matt, was working on staking CD's at the other end of the store. I pulled out my phone and started switching the screen with my finger. It was entertaining. I think it was even on one of those "100 Ways to Keep an Idiot Entertained" lists or something. 

The bell jingled, singling an incoming costomer. 

"Hello, welcome to Music Mart, where..." I heard Matt welcoming the costomer. Then he came dashing over to me.

"Jess! Do you know who that is?" I glanced at the man, only seeing the back of his head. Sure, he was kind of familiar. So what?

"No, your point?" I replied scarcastically. I so wasn't in the mood.

"Jason Ryan! He's a world famous wrestler, but can't throw a punch for shit." He chuckled. I pushed him away as this Jason guy approched the register.

"Hello, are you ready?" I asked politely. 

"As ready as you are, gorgeous." Jason replied. My eyes shot up to his face.




It was the man. The man from last night. The one that tried to rape me. His eye was black, his arm was broken, and he had bandages around his torso. Broken ribs. How the hell did he know where I worked!? 

"Wh-Wha-" I stuttered. I couldn't get any words out today. Matt watched from the side, and he must have seen my widened eyes and discolored face. He rushed over and held my shoulders. 

"Jess, go sit down. I got this guy." I nodded, not taking my eyes off of Jason. His gaze didn't leave me until Matt started talking. I quickly pulled out my phone, texting Niall.

To: Niall Horan

He's here. The man from last night. SOS, help!

I pressed send and shoved it into my back pocket as Jason approched me. 

"I missed you last night, babe." He said, caressing my face. I swatted his hand away. 

"Don't touch me, you pig." I pushed myself up, side-stepping him and walking down the window isle. I kept my eye out for Niall.

"Aw, babe don't be like that." He drawled, following me down the isle. Crap. I had to pick this one. It was a dead end and hidden from everyone in the store. The parking lot was empty. 

My gaze locked on his. 

"Stay away from me." I said as he stepped closer. He smirked.

"Now, now babe, relax. You know I don't like it when you ta-" He was cut off from a heavy crash at the front of the store. I ran past Jason while he was distracted.

"Shit!" He came running after me. I ran straight into Niall's arms. He pushed me behind him and grabbed the man by his shirt, lifting him off the ground a few inches. Damn, he was strong.

"I thought you got the message. Stay. Away from her." He growled. Jason held his hands up in surrender.

"I'm sorry man! I didn't mean to! I didn't do nothin'. How was I supposed to know she worked here!?" His eyes were full of fear as he saw Niall's eyes grow darker with anger. 

"Niall.." I spoke softly, laying my hand on the arm holding Jason up. "He's telling the truth. He didn't touch me." 

"I should beat this guy to a bloody pulp." He said through clenched teeth.

"I know. Not now, though. Just put him down and let's go." Niall glanced at me and I smiled. He dropped Jason on the floor and he sprinted out the door. Niall turned to me and squeezed me until I couldn't breath. 

"Eh-em" Someone cleared their voice behind me. Matt. I turned and faced him.

"Hey.. Uhm, I'm so sorry about this." I said quickly.

"It's cool... Just... Be careful." Aw, he was worried about me. That was sweet. I nodded and gave him a small smile before taking Niall's hand and walking out the door.

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