Chapter 27

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The next few weeks went smoothly. Niall ignored Angel, and even gave her blank annoyed looks. Soon, she just disappeared. I guess she got tierd of being ignored. Liam stopped showing up for class. I was worried about him, but I didn't want anytthing to happen between him and Niall. I wouldn't be able to handle it if I was the reason One Direction broke up.

Over that time, I had also made some new friends. Cass, a small, friendly, bubbly girl. She was really sweet and never had a bad word to say about anyone. A lot like me, according to Ryan. She got along well with Ana because they both were HUGE One Direction fans. She didn't know about Niall yet, though. And Grace, the girl who had seen me with Niall in the halls. We had gotten to know each other and I'd learned that she was really nice.

One night after class, I had Ana, Grace, Cass, and my other best friend Skylar over. Sky had just flown in from New York and I was really excited to spend Christmas with her.

Throughout the night, it was like we were five old friends. We did stupid things like Ana, Sky and I used to do back in high school. Towards midnight, Cass spoke up.

"Let's play truth or dare!" She squealed. We took our places in a circle around my room, Ana and I on the bed, Sky on my white butterfly chair, and Grace and Cass on the floor. "I'll go first." She said, smiling.

"Um, Ana. Truth or Dare?" She asked. Oh no, Ana wasn't afraid of anything. I predict...

"Dare." I knew it. 

"I dare you to cover your face in whipped cream for the rest of the game." Ana laughed.

"Alright, but no promises I wont lick it off." She said as she left the room. She came back with a tub of Cool Whip and a spoon and started smearing it on her face. Her facial expressions made us all laugh.

"Alright, alright. Sky, truth or dare?" She asked as she licked remaining whipped cream off her fingers.

"Dare!" Sky was really... unafraid. Lets say that.

"I dare you to call up Tristan from Freshman year." Ana replied with a wicked grin on her face. Tristan was Skylar's ex boyfriend. He was a sophomore when she was a freshman. They had Geometry together and out of nowhere started dating. I only knew him because he was on the swim team with me.

"NO!" She screamed. She covered her face, most likely to hide the blush she got whenever we talked about him. Even now.

"Come on! I've got his number!" I said, grabbing my phone and scrolling down to his name. I pressed call and handed her the phone. She put it up to her ear.

"Uh, hello?" She said. Her blush got worse. 

"Put it on speaker!" Grace whispered, and she did.

"Jess?" Tristan's voice came through the speakers.

"Nope, Sky." She said proudly. There was silence on the other end before a beeping noise signaling the call had ended. I burst out laughing.

"Looks like he's still not over you!" I said between breaths.

"Whatever! Jess, Truth or Dare." My laughing silenced slowly and I regained control. 

I took a deep breath before saying, "Truth."

"Are you a virgin?" I heard Ana take a sharp breath next to me as I stared at Sky. It would be like her to ask a question like that. I glanced at Grace and Cass. They were all waiting for my answer, although Grace had a slight knowing look in her eyes.

"No." I sighed. What the hell. These girls were my close friends. I hoped I could trust them. But I definitely wasn't telling them with whom I lost it.

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