Chapter 47

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"Jessica." Niall's voice floated into the white room. I opened my eyes slightly to see him enter the door carrying a tray of Starbucks. I sat up immediately.

"Ohh, thank you!" I said as he handed me my chocolate chip frap. I took a sip and closed my eyes, savoring the amazing taste. When I opened my eyes again, I saw Niall staring at me. I shrugged.

"What?" He smiled slightly before shanking his head and sitting next to me,

I'd been in the hospital for a few weeks now and my memories have slowly returned. Not all the way, but I remembered most of my time with Niall. Although I was definitely screwed for school.

I even remembered those many times something went wrong. I rememberd Jared and Jason, and what had happened while I was in their hands. I even slightly remembered what happened with Austin, although details were fuzzy. Maybe that was a good thing...

Niall slipped his arm around my waist and tingles shot up my spine. I loved the effect he had on me. I glanced over at him.

"You know you'll have to go back to school." He stated, grinning down at me. I looked up at him through my eyelashes before replying with a sweet, "I don't know what you mean." and taking a sip of my drink. He chuckled and kissed my temple as he pulled me onto his lap in the bed.

"Hm, you know exactly what I mean." He said, taking my drink and setting both cups on the nightstand next to us. 

"Isn't there something better we could do?" I asked provacatively. His eyes instantly grew darker.

"Not in the hospital, there isn't." He growled as he placed a large hand on my bare thigh. I sighed. 

"Well, we'll have to get out of here, won't we?" I said. "I hate it here anyway. It's too stuffy. Smells like sick people." I waved my hand in front of my face for effect. Niall laughed before picking me up bridal style.

"Well I guess it's good we're able to leave. You've got a wedding to plan." He winked as he carried me over to where my purse and clothes sat on the chair. I picked them up and set them on my stomach.

"Please. I'm sure the wedding's already as planned as it could be. Remember, I did make the mistake of letting Ana be in charge." An amused gleam sparkled in his eyes. 

"I can't wait." 


"Ah, it's going to be so much fun!" Grace squealed as we piled into the large white limo Niall had bought about a week earlier. I laughed as Grace's enthusiasm caused her to pull at the hem of her short bright blue cocktail dress. The rest of the girl's were dressed similar to Grace, Cass in green, Ana in purple,  and Sky in red. I, on the other hand, was in white, with a tiara and veil on my head. 

As Ana put it, it only made sense since it WAS my bachorlorette party. 

Yep, I was getting married tomorrow. Could I believe it? Oh hell no. 

Was I excited? 

To be legally married to Niall Horan. To be Mrs. Niall Horan. To be able to be with him no matter what. 

Yeah, I was excited.

We stopped in front of a large, bright building. A line was spilling out of it and ran down the block. Ana stepped out first, followed by the other three and then me. 

"Coming through, coming through!" She yelled thorugh the crowd as she pushed our way to the bouncer. 

"Back of the line." He said with no emotion. Ana scoffed and placed her hand on her hip.

"Do you even KNOW who you're speaking to?!?" I placed a hand on my head, rubbing my temples. Here we go.

"Back of the line, miss." The man repeated. 

"YOU, sir, do not have the right to speak to ME, Niall Horan's bride-to-be's BEST FRIEND." She glanced over her shoulder at us and whispered, "I've always wanted to do this!" before turning back to the man. He seemed surprised, but soon went back to his emotionless mask.

"Yeah, and I'm the Queen of England. Back of the line." He said, with a little more force than before. I stepped in front of Ana, holding up a hand to quiet her. She groaned.

"Hi, I'm Jessica Williams?" I said politely, pulling out my ID to prove it. The man's eyes went wide as he took in the card. 

"Ms. Williams! I'm so sorry. Please, you and your friends go right in." He quickly unlocked the velvet rope and let us through.

"Thank you so much sir." I called back to him before turning to face Ana.

"See, a little politeness will take you far in life." I said. She grunted.

"Politeness is no fun." She muttered as she stepped in front of me. "Sky, Grace, go ahead and grab our table. Cass and I'll keep her here." She smiled as the two girls left. All four girls had wicked smiles on their faces. 

"What are you doing? Where are we, anyway?" I asked, glancing around the small hallway, not seeing anything useful. 

"Don't worry about it." She said. I could hear the slight beat of music behind her. She took me to a club? Why wouldn't she tell me that? I shrugged, not really caring at this point.

Sky opened the door and whispered something to Ana before closing the door again. Ana's smile grew. 

"Are, you, READY?" She tried sounding like one of those announcers, but failed miserably. Cass and I burst into giggles as I nodded.

"Good." She said quickly as she opened the door. "Welcome to ..."


Author's Note

GUYS SHE'S GETTING MARRIED! Ohmygosh I'm so excited. 

So, please please please leave feedback, it really means a lot. CRITIZISM IS ACCEPTED.

And, to answer your question from a few chapters ago, Jessbabyy17, yes, Jessica and Niall will still be included in the other stories. About as much as the others are included in this one. Sound good? :)


Go cliffhangers!



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