Chapter 31

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I ended up at Starbucks the next morning. After yesterday, I was looking for a largly-needed dose of caffine. I was warming my hands with the coffee cup when Liam walked in. He saw me and headed towards me.

"Hey. Uh, is that seat taken?" He asked. 

"No, go right ahead." I replied, gesturing across from me. He took a seat and bowed his head.

"I'm sorry about how I've been acting." 

"Don't be sorry, Liam. I deserve it." I did. I shouldn't have kissed him, or lead him on or anything like that. I felt horrible.

"Yeah, but, I should have at least come talk to you. Instead I just disappeared. Grace is the one that got me to come here in the first place."

"Really, it's fine. How are you and Grace? You seem great together." He looked up at me.

"I really like her, Jess. It's not like how I felt with you. I look at her and it's like, my heart's complete." He sighed and I smiled.

"Sounds like you've got it bad." 

"I love her." He said suddenly. My smiled widened.

"Good. You deserve someone like her." I said. I placed my hand over his and squeezed slightly before pulling back again. I glanced at my watch.

"Crap. I'll talk to you later, okay? Good luck with Grace." I gave him a smile and headed for my class.


I headed for Niall's condo. Class was a bust. I was so losing the scholarship. I made my way up the drive and before I was able to knock on the door, Niall stood in the doorway holding an envelope.

"Hey." He ducked down and pecked my lips before taking my hand and leading me inside.

He threw the mystery envelope on the counter and led me to the couch. 

"I figured, movie night?" He asked. 

"Sounds great." I smiled. I needed to just spend time with him. Too much had happened in the last few days. He turned on The Breakfast Club before heading for the bathroom.

I took that as a chance to get up and make popcorn. As I passed the counter, the envelope caught my attention. It was already open, but the note was what made me look. It said "Hope you don't mind sharing your girl." That caught my attention. I slipped the contents into my hand. There was one picture, of my hand on Liam's at Starbucks earlier this morning. I gasped. How was this taken? My hand wasn't there for more than a second. I heard the door open and Niall walk up behind me, but I was too stunned to move.

"I was going to ignore it, but I've got to admit, it's bugging me." He said. I dropped the picture on the counter and turned to face him. I had tears in my eyes and he automatically knew I was scared.

"Jessica?" He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. "Jess, what's going on?" He asked.

"I don't know!" I cried. "I was reassuring him. He was talking about Grace. An-And my hand wasn't there for more than a second!" 

"Shh, it's okay. Who took it?" 

"I don't know. It--" I sighed. "I'm scared, Niall. Is someone stalking me?" 

"I don't know. I don't know." He whispered in my hair. If he didn't know, that definitely wasn't a good sign. 

"Let's put it behind us right now. Okay? Come here. Let's just.. Watch a movie." He said, leading me to the couch. I curled into him, throwing my legs over his. I tried to watch the movie, since it was my favorite one of all time, but I couldn't focus. I couldn't get my mind off that picture. And what did they mean when they said "share your girl." Niall wasn't sharing me. That was obvious. He was too possesive. And I'd never cheat on him.

I curled closer into him and closed my eyes after he put in another movie. I soon fell asleep in his arms.


I woke up to Niall's roaming hands. I opened my eyes slightly to see him gazing into mine.

"Well good morning." He said. I groaned. 

"Is it really morning?" I asked.

"No," he chuckled. "It's about two." AM? Wow. 

"So, wanna tell me why your hands are all over me this late at night?" I was more awake now, and his hand slipped between my legs.

"I'm not sure. I think they have a mind of their own. And they just can't stand having a gorgeous girl in their arms, and not do anything." I smiled. His hand moved up my inside thigh, and I opened my legs slightly. 

"Well, let's just see what your hands have in mind." He squeezed my thigh before running his fingers over the material covering me. His other arm was around my shoulders, holding me up. His hand moved up and slid my sweatpants down until they were gathered around my ankles. I watched his hand before I moved my gaze to his eyes. They were dark and full of desire.

His fingers brushed me again over the thin cloth of my panties, and I tensed. I placed one of my hands on the arm holding me up, and the other on his knee. His finger slipped inside my panties and pulled them down slowly. I watched his hand as he ran it up my inside thigh again before slipping his fingers inside me. I gasped and closed my eyes as he pumped them in and out of me to the knuckle. His thumb pushed against my clit, sending tingles throughout my body. 

When I couldn't take it anymore, I reached up and hooked my hand around the back of his neck, pulling him down and kissing him deeply. His fingers moved faster and I gasped in his mouth. He took the opportunity and slipped his tongue into my mouth and caressed me as his fingers slowed, then slipped out. He pulled back and lifted his fingers to his mouth before licking them.

He hummed in apreciation before leaning me back on the couch and positioning his head between my legs. He blew cool air on my entrance and I tensed again. He pressed his mouth to me and pushed his tongue into me. 

"Niall!" I cried out as he moved his tounge inside me. He licked and caressed and my breath came faster and faster. He sucked on me and kissed me, slipping his tongue deeper into me. 

Too soon he came up and kissed me deeply. I could taste myself on his lips, and that made me bolder. I flipped us over on the couch and sucked on his neck. I slipped my hands under his shirt and pulled it over his head before returning my mouth to his collarbone. I trailed my fingertips over his torso and felt him shiver. I moved my hands to unbuckle his pants and I pushed them down with my legs. 

I moved my mouth down and covered one of his nipples, flicking at it with my tongue before moving to the other and doing the same. His breath was getting heavier and I could feel him hard against my stomach. I kept moving down, finally reaching his boxers and slid them down his legs. I took a moment and gazed down at him before taking him in my hands and covering him with my mouth.

He gasped and fisted his hands in my hair. I bobbed my head, sucking him as I milked him with my hands. 

"Dammit, Jessica!" He muttered loudly as he came in my mouth. I swallowed everything he gave me before starting again, faster. He moaned loudly before pulling me up to his lips and kissing me hard.

"That's enough of that." He muttered, flipping me underneath him again and yanking off my shirt and bra. I gasped at his agressivness and found myself even more turned on. He positioned himself between my legs and looked deep into my eyes before slamming into me. I cried out at the same time he did at the pleasure, before he started pumping furiously into me. He held my wrists down above my head and my hips met his every hard thrust.

We came at the same time, both screaming out each others names before he collapsed on top of me. We turned on our sides and he wrapped his arms around me. I curled my head under his neck and fell asleep with him still inside me.

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