Chapter 10: Suspense

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I was fuming in anger when vaani left from my office and leave me at stand. And suddenly I heard a knock on the door which builds a hope in me that it may be she so I said "come in" in a soft voice.

But my expressions changed in a second when I saw the person entering into my office.

He was none other than Dhruv Saxena and I got just mad after seeing him and my already thoughts were there about him it got confirmed because of the mischevious smile on his face after seeing fuming into anger.

"I see my plan is absolute working it is clearly visible on your face." he says with a big grin on his face.

"Yeah it is working for sure." I said with a irritated voice.

"Don't you gesture the guests come into your office." he says with still grin in his face.

"I know very well how to treat the guests like you shall I show you by kicking you out of the office." I say with a voice reflecting with anger which made his grin go absent from his voice.

"I can see your attitude is still the same and you look very dirty don't you went home from the news drop I wonder why, feeling so sad for your brother and I think your hope of getting help from the boss of Dreamy Occasions doesn't actually work." his grin back on his face.

At the mention of her I couldn't control my anger and his words were fuel to my anger and it didn't take me much long to go around the table and punch him tight.

"You will regret this punch whole life." he says while holding one hand on his cheek covering his wound.

"Let's see who will regret in coming whose way." I say with confident face that says I will make you regret coming in my way.

"Did you find out who is my spy from your office." he says with a huge satisfaction on his face.

And there he caught me off guard because I actually don't know who is the spy from my office and I was unable to answer him because of his intelligence  level.

"What happen bro? Don't you punch me now and you don't worry about the spy because you will never get to know about it." he says while walking out of the office. 

"Meet you soon brother." he says after standing in front of my cabin.

And I get to my work again searching for the clue and get details of the patients about their current position.

It's afternoon and I didn't get any clue about the spy and I am so irritated by it. 

 So, I call to Kushal to come back office soon because I had send him home forcefully because he was not ready to go home and wanna be with me in the office but I managed to send him back in the morning to freshen up and rest for a while. As there are no clothes of him in office other than mine.

He came back to the office as soon as I call him and we discuss about all the met of Dhruv Saxena with me and how he accepted his plan and now we have to be more careful about our information because he clearly challanges us to find out about the spy which defines that we have known about that there is a spy.

But how, then we find for any device available in my office which provides information to him.

After a minutes of search I found out the hidden camera in a flower vase which was kept on the top shelf of the cupboard.

As soon as we get it we destroy the camera into the pieces.

And began to plan our next move.

It's almost night and we haven't still found out who is the spy in our office, we do send the camera to our hackers to find out about the details of the camera installation and about more its whereabouts.

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