Chapter 7: Dinner

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I had just returned from the hospital; after my mom's call last night informing something has happened to dad he is being acting weird taking huge breathe suddenly I cant control myself at the venue and rushed to hospital of him being admitted, I was so terrible only at the thought that might something ... I can't imagine also. I had taken breathe of relief when doctor informed us that it's just spike in his glucose level and will be fine until the morning.

While I was lying in my bed after gotten freshen up and roaming the thoughts in my mind about the last night event did everything gone well, I had not slept last night that's why I won't be able to go to office day as there is no urgency of work available right now.....

These thoughts have been going around my mind while I got distracted by the Soha's call and I picked it up.

"Hey is everything alright, you send me message last night that some emergency has came up what's that?" she asks me concerned as I did inform about something's has came up not the details because I was in no condition to inform details and not sure what exactly has came with
up dad.

"Yes everything is alright now you don't worry actually last night dad's glucose level was at spike but there is no tension now sorry I forget to inform you it's been just gone out of my mind." I sigh and inform everything happened and reasonates my inconvineince.

"It's ok darling you don't have to worry about me and thank god everything is fine now." she
understands my situation and consoles me.

"Yea thank you and what about the event does everything went well is there was some issue?"
l asked her though I had in formed her to ake care of everything behind my back after I went
from there.

"Yes yes madam everything gone well there is nothing to worry about and by the way you know Vivaan had came to me last night asking about you and you know when l informed her about your whereabouts I had cleary seen frown on her face." she reassures me and started to tease
me again.

"So Ms. I guess I had been the leading the event he might had came to you regarding the event there is no always extra meaning to everything."

I tries to ignore her tease by reasonating his actions but I actually wonder why he might had come to ask about me and the way I remember he were going to say something but I stop him because l can't ignore my mom's call as she rarely calls me if there is only emergency.

While thinking this the action of his cross my mind that he was holding my saree it was damn cute but I won't admit to him because he will thinks otherwise although he is very arrogant.

"Ok ok ignore it madam time will show it automate and you know what Kushal has invited me over for a dinner and I am too nervous about it and I don't want to go by myself that's why I want you to come and I know yOu didn't gone to office today so no excuses I will text you the
location okay bye."

and she hung up the call didn't waited for my answer also either way I am home all day and I
Would get to spend some time with as she will be leaving soon.

I've got ready for the dinner in a simple pants and grey shirt as I like formal wear the most whenever I gotta go outside except events and functions and I set up the location in my car navigation which Soha sent me.

After 20 minutes of drive I've reached out the location while she has been keep on messaging me all the way here asking and telling me where am I and that she is too nervous around him. I enter into the restaurant which has high facilities great interior and walk around to look for Soha.

As I look for Soha but I confused when I see other two men sitting with her one man i visible which if obvious kushal but I can't see the other one as it is four side chair at the sides of table. I was wondering who the other one...... As I was in my thoughts Soha finds and call out my name which made the other two men to look towards my side and I was startled Mr. Vivaan Oberio over there.

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