Chapter: 8 Collapse

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I recieve the text from Soha today morning that she is leaving from Delhi today. And I feel so trembled that I can't imagine losing her again.
I get up from the bed and got ready as soon as possible for her hotel.

She mentioned me the hotel name she is staying here and I drove there as soon as possible in a high speed which I had never drove before and time was running and I am cursing myself now to waking up late only today because today is Sunday I usually wake up late on Sunday and I delayed in seeing her message.

As I pick up the phone to call Soha to ask about her whereabouts, as she answers the call before I address her, I was distracted by the huge noise created by the accident between a car and a motor bike heading in a opposite direction and the one in that accident injured a lot and was bleeding from that accident so ran out of my car, forget all about the car and take him to the hospital.

When I get the other man in my car with the help of some people I started driving my car as soon as I reached the hospital I got the man admitted in the hospital with few formalities.

As I got relaxed after completing all the details my attention gathered towards the Soha and I pick up my mobile from the pocket only to see it dead. Because in all the rush I forget to charge the phone in the morning.

"I can't fucked up more now, how can I forget to charge my home. What will happen if she departed already what I am gonna do without her now God has given me the opportunity but I am foolish like always." I was cursing myself for the irresponsible behavior of mine.

I was leaving the hospital when I hear the similar voice at the receptionist table that hold me and I can't hear it properly but it was like.

"Is anyone by the name of ..... Kusal.. admitted here?"

There was a girl standing by there murmuring these words does she knows me and why is she asking about my name, I let side away all the thoughts when that girl turned.

She was no one other than my Soha and I can't believe it what's happening is she really here or I am dwell upon in her thoughts that I am day dreaming here.

My thoughts flushed away when she came towards me crying. Is she crying why is she crying.. and when she reaches for me her words left my heart beat and I can't control my tears at this point.

"Kushal? are you okay you are fine I can't control myself from where I had listened the voice of accident are you alright did something happens to you". her voice trembling tears dropping through her face with her every word and she looks all over my body.

"You are alright thankfully I can't bear to lose you again" she says while hugging me and I hugs her back with all my emotions I had held so far.

But what does she mean by again? I ask her when she pulls away.

"what does you mean by losing me again?" I ask as I hold up my tears with soft voice.

"Because I love you idiot you don't get it for all these years from ever since I met you I have fallen in love with you and I can't get over it until now and you..." because she completes her sentence I kiss her with my all love my hand gripping her back and she kisses me back with her hand holding my hair because I can't hold on any longer when she confess her love which has been my sweetest dream always and I still can't believe when I pulls back.

"I love you too idiot ever since I have seen you in 5th grade and I still feel the same all over the years and I can't also get over it too" I confess my feelings to her which I had always dreamt of while holding back my tears.

"REALLY? YOU ARE NOT JOKING RIGHT?" she asks me her voice full of excitement and sparkles shining all over her eyes.

"Yes idiot" as I complete the sentence she hugs me with all her passion and I still can't believe that she loves me like me what's in me but it's the best thing ever happened in my life.

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