Normal Girl

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Brandon was at his apartment. He was laying on the couch as he had his eyes closed. His mind was connecting the dots.

"Kibe is the white rabbit, Kat won't testify to it.

What are the connections? The behavioral patterns of Moriyama Kenji, and Nori Kibe is what I have the most faith in, but there is also the fact that Eiji's showing confirms my theory of them all knowing one another. Nakayama said he and the team was capable of placing Kibe at the garbage where Kat showed me.

Kibe's blood is there on the dumpster as well, putting him there with the thugs involved with the HP Hotel incident. Kibe is now once again an official prime suspect. However, he can still be left to walk if something truly damming doesn't come out.

....Damnit, even when I'm right on top of the infection, I still have several other patients to worry about." Brandon thought. He then jumped up from his couch. He stretched his back and then walked towards his kitchen. Thats when he'd get a knock on his door. He looked over suspiciously at his door. He walked over cautiously and then looked through the peephole. He saw there was no one there, he opened the door immediately only to see Kat was crouched in front of his door which spooked him.

"AH-  Kat?! What the hell?" Brandon said, Kat then looked up at him. She was wearing a very short long sleeved crop top, with a black webbed collar underneath. She was wearing black shorts, leggings and black flat-bottom boots. Brandon and her held eye contact for a uncanny amount of time. " wanna come inside?" Brandon asked.

"Oh absolutely." Kat said as she stood up and walked past him. She looked around the place. It was messy, but its not like it was unexpected. She took him for that kind of guy. She saw case files on the kitchen counter and the the fruit bowl near them. She walked over and examined it. Brandon watched her walk around as he closed his door.

"Did she stalk me? No, better yet, did she follow me?

We split up after Nakayama got Eiji with Mr.Miyuki. I watched her leave, I did. The school from and to my place is at least a 2 hour walk. 30 minutes by train or a cab depending on traffic.

She followed me all the way here..." Brandon thought, he watched as she looked through the file talking about the "Alien" case. Her eyes going over all the data and theories from various officers and departments. She then began to wear her naturally uncanny smile as she then looked at a picture of one of the victim's home.

She noticed how clean and kept together it was, she looked at the bed room picture, not a single thing out of place.

She then put it back and scratched her neck. "He knows them." She said, Brandon then looked at her face. "Huh?" He asked as he walked over.

"This man, the kidnapper, he knows the victims. There home is way too well kept, if they all were really taken right from their homes, then best assumption is that he knows them." Kat said. Brandon looked at the photo and then to Kat. "You're saying he knows hundreds of people?" Brandon asked.

"People meet strangers on the internet everyday, communication is a natural human thing. We can't help, but wonder what demons each person is keeping inside their own personal hell.

We meet hundreds of people everyday, we may not talk or socialize with them but we meet them anyway." She said. Brandon looked at her puzzled as he then looked back at the case photo. "Mmm, maybe." He said as he put the photo back in the file.

Coded Law, Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now