Dante's Chess Game

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Kibe and Kenji stared at Kiko. They watched as she held the two mask. Kibe and Kenji stared at Kiko who held them.

"I'll recite the rules of the game now...

Dante's Chess Game is a game surrounding two mask and a more extreme version of chess. Two opponents wear two different mask. They get to choose whichever one they wear, there is the the Devil mask and the Angel mask.

The Devil mask, it has perfect vision and a clear view of the board at all times. As the game goes on every 2 turns, the devil can resurrect any member of they're team. Every 5 turns the devil can then swap places with any member of the enemies team, however the enemy piece must be at least one or two spaces close to the devil's.

Every 10 turns though, the devil can kill any member of the enemy's team. Unless the devil has recently within the last two turns lost a piece. In which then he'll be unable to enact this move.

The Angel mask, it has zero vision and view of the board. As the games goes on, the player is entirely reliant on they're understanding and knowledge of the chessboard. Every 2 turns, the angel can move back a step.

Every 5 turns, the angel can make a chance kill. A chance kill will allow the angel to claim that the devil has a piece one or two spaces close by. If the claim is accurate than that piece is then killed. If the chance kill is failed and there is no piece nearby, then nothing will happen and the devil is given a free move. The devil can take a chance if the attempt is accurate to lie, in which the angel can call on God(the judge) to determine if its true or not.

If this results with the lie being exposed then the devil will lose two pieces instead of one. If the lie is confirmed to be the truth. Then the angel will lose two pieces.

In 10 turns the angel can invoke justice sight! To which gives them temporary sight for a whole 10 minutes, but they aren't allowed to move until that time frame is up.

The conditions to win are as followed, either get a checkmate, get and or kill the enemy king, and when the time limit is over.

These are the rules of the game. Do you accept them?" Kiko asked, Kenji's mind was filled with flashes of the past. His time of youth, his childhood inside the pale palace.

While Kibe just took a knee and looked to the chess pieces. Kiko looked at him.

"Kibe?" She asked

"Its a funny thing isn't? I quite think so. Though humor has never sat well with me. I think its a funny thing either way.

Chess I mean." Kibe said

"...Do you agree with the rules?" Kiko asked, Kibe stared at the chess pieces a little longer before standing up and straightening his uniform.

"Yes, I will." Kibe answered to which Kenji snickered.

"Was something I said amusing to you?" Kibe said, yet his voice as always showed no sign of emotion or change in pitch or volume. Kenji was slightly annoyed at the lack of reaction.

"Its just that, you don't even remember the lessons we learned there or the test and games. The ones that taught and got us to the position we're at now." Kenji smiled as he leaned on the chessboard. Kibe sat down crossing his legs and arms on the armrest of the chair.

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