Son of Shiva

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Himmy was standing in her apartment. The old smell and feeling being present there. Her apartment still a mess even after all the time that had passed. She looked over to table that her and Kibe once sat at. The place almost felt like a distant cage to her. Like walking into a pen and having the gate shut on you.

As she walked around, different memories of her's came to burrow at the front of her mind. She saw her mother, her mother and their old home. She witnessed as she saw her mother slam the door closed to her room. A belt in her hand.

"I SAW YOU LOOKING AT HIM!? DO YOU WANT TO LEAVE ME!?" her mother screamed. She searched Himmy's room, tearing it apart as she looked for her.

"WHEN WILL YOU REALIZE THAT I'M ALL YOU HAVE! I'M EVERYTHING YOU NEED! You would leave me? You want to leave me!? Just like that bastard of a father!?" Shouted Himmy's mother. Himmy, this younger version of her. Was hiding under her bed. She was crying and covering her ears. Soon, the noise of her wrecked room and hysterical mother would become silent. The only thing being capable of being heard. Were the sounds of cars passing by.

Himmy herself now found herself under her old bed.

"Are these events what I remember? Or are they what he wants me to I stay away from the past.

So I can be...alone. Write my story as if I was born from nothing. Yet even when I try to do so. Its always his voice narrating. Talking and speaking on every single thing. Like as if its a documentary or a book to be read. It sometimes makes me wonder...if he's allowing me to write, but he himself is the editor who goes over.

Correcting mistakes and fixing what he thinks may be; meaningless." Himmy thought, however those very thoughts would not share her voice, but another's. The voice of Nori Kibe. Every thought was in his tone, in his decimal and in his pitch. It was all him. Himmy remained under the bed.

"Himmy." Said Kibe's voice. Himmy turned her head, looking out from the bed to see a familiar pair of shoes. She crawled out and saw Kibe looking down at her. His hand down fo help her up.

"He will do anything to keep me close, and I will do the same to stay close. Juo is gone, this...machine. Has completely bewitched me into it's web of manipulation and deceit. Yet like any horrific scene...I am unable to look away." Said Himmy's thoughts, yet still. They were said in Kibe's voice as she took his hand and stood up. Kibe looked at her and then around the room. He walked around this memory, rather it be of his own making or a true reflection of Himmy's mind; with the class and sway that he had always been here. Looking at things like as if they were old to him.

"This room is yours, but the house is mine. You know that." Kibe said as he looked at a doll. Picking it up, it looked just like Himmy.

"I do." Himmy replied

"Yet you choose to stay here anyway." Kibe said

"...Wh...where else am I to go?" Himmy stuttered, her voice a bit shaky. Kibe looked at the doll some more. His hands moving over its cheeks and feeling its eyes, chest, legs, torso and heart. Thats when two other. Pairs of arms would appear and also begin to touch the doll.

"...What are you doing to me?" Himmy asked

"I am molding, reconfiguring and redesigning what others have left in shambles. You have been left in pieces. Whatever room you tried to fill, you filled with nonsense. Drugs, junk food and false love." Kibe said as he walked over to Himmy. His other two pairs of arms feeling the floor or touching around the air. Thats when Kibe would stand in front of Himmy. Both of them looking at one another. Kibe's right hand went up and grazed Himmy's cheek. Touching, feeling and massaging her.

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