Blending in

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Interesting and talented people are the kind that gather others, and get attention. They are capable of being the life of any situation, yet what situation that is. Isn't always what most others suspect it to be.

Bland and boring people are innately in society and humanity, viewed as no more than a tiny bug or a mosquito. Swayed away without a single notice. Yet they are the ones most to look out for, cause like mosquitoes, you may swat them away. However when they sting, they will leave something terrible behind.

Brandon woke up in the alleyway the next morning, he groaned as he got up. He held one of his arms. "Mhmm, definitely fractured. Damn, that bitch has one hell of a right hook." Brandon said, as he felt his left arm and could feel just how busted it was. He slowly got up and leaned aginst the wall, he had two hypothesis from this. Either that they were the wrong people to piss off, or that Kibe really did piss them off or Bato at least. Brandon grew a devious smile as he chuckled to himself. He then grabbed his chin.

"Kenji? Of the chess club eh?" Brandon smirked. Thats when he'd get a phone call from Mr.Nakayama. Brandon looked at his phone before answering it. "YOHO!" Brandon answered.

"Tell me you have something, I have tough enough time paying for Jun's time at that school. I shouldn't have to do the same thing for you." Mr.Nakayama said "Hey, listen here Mr.Detective sir! You put me onto this position, you requested for my help on setting together this cake. So I don't want to hear any lip about how long it's taking to bake." Brandon said with a straight face. Mr.Nakayama was just leaning in his desk listening to the madness of this man.

"Fine fine, just tell me you have something?" Mr.Nakayama asked

"Deniability is you're best friend Nakayama. I wouldn't want-"

"Just tell me. Enough games Wright, I'm starting to get tired of them." Mr.Nakayama said with a very assertive tone, massaging his temples. Brandon was a bit taken aback by his sudden burst in tone, but he just shrugged as he kept walking while on the phone. "I have a 70 - 85% certainty that the white rabbit goes to Sawa high. Not only that, I believe he may have something to do with the new students that arrived too." Brandon said.

"Do you have any suspects yet?" Mr.Nakayama asked. With how well he imagined Brandon's "investigation" had been going. He could only imagine who he may have deduced into possibly being the white rabbit. All traits and mannerisms from the white rabbit would be easy to compare to a very well mannered adult, however the thing that would make any bright detective realize something was off. Would be the fact that around a certain age.

The human brain stops developing completely around the age of 25. This is a well known fact, yet somehow the white rabbit has displayed skills that would take well over 25 years to master, even more to practice in action and prep for execution. Not to mention how long to put together the operation was. Mr.Nakayama had hopes that Brandon would also think of the same variables as him, no, he knew he had a good hunch that he would come to the same conclusion.

Brandon paused for a moment before he then answered. "Ojima Bato." Brandon said. Mr.Nakayama put his pen down in his officer and turned in his chair. He thought for a moment. "You mean the kid who just got here not even a week ago? How is that possible?" Mr.Nakayama asked. Brandon kept walking down the street looking for a nearby clinic of sorts.

"Hey Naky, quick question for you." Brandon asked "Naky? Wha-"

"Do you know any hospitals or clinics nearby? No? Well next question then. What part of town would you never send your daughter to?" Brandon asked. Mr.Nakayama stammered for a moment before answering. "U-Ushin, is this your method? Cause I won't lie to you Wright, while good. It is weird at times." Mr.Nakayama said.

Coded Law, Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now